
Was that… a three legged dog?

Well, only one of them is the aggressor there.

I feel like Sarris is a much more injurious comparison, since Kael is played up as a badass villain (as people seem to recall here) and Sarris is played up as an asshole "bad actor" trashbag.

With the arrow and everything I thought it sounded like she was threatening them herself!

I don't even remember the "Paul" character.

Sometimes I forget Johnny Cash's is the cover!

Think of all the Modron merchandise the kids will want! Move over, Minions!

Vin Diesel.

Planescape 100%

The French are getting pretty tacky with their english aping, they're even prononcouning french words like english people might!

Coup de grââââ

"Fry isn’t dead, but Leela is in a coma, having been hit with a full
blast of bee poison when the stinger hit her stomach (Fry still got
stuck, but the poison missed him because it was in the tip of the
stinger, and, okay, I’m not actually convinced that this makes sense,
but I’m willing to roll with it)."

It is what you said. You're saying: without political correctness, Trump wouldn't be so popular. Trump wouldn't be an issue. You are blaming Trump the issue on Political Correctness.

Isn't that more a type of scorpion?

The word that was used as "anti-theological," though.

I can't say that there isn't more of it on here, but I don't know, there's been some personal feuds between commenters on The Dissolve.

I disagree that it's more about hate. It's about being flip about things!

Speaking of helpful illustration, here is someone really ugly gloating.

Nothing can flow uphill. Except The Blob.

That's true about real Skinner. But also, I think it didn't strike me as that mean spirited because his fate gets pretty abstract. The episode is ending and… this won't have happened in a minute.