
Well, this episode takes a huge liberty with a character's backstory… but only to go "wouldn't it be weird that this character is how you've always known him if that was the case?" I mean, the way I remember it other than that switch it's the same characters, and the tone of the show is still a mix of heart and of the

As last week's review pointed out, Mary was ready to die fighting, but I don't know if she expected this return to square zero instead. I know I didn't!

And yet again, the demographic of assholes and their douchebag friends is invisible to Hollywood.

"I didn't believe him."

They crossed that line between everyday villainy and cartoonish super-villainy.

If you were their friend you'd put back the ladder so they can climb down of the box!

Yes, I can see you like epithets.

He could be a centuries-old Hell-spawn who hopped into a cockney jackass one time and thought it worked great so he stuck with it.

Jordan from Helix got robbed!

But that's like a rite of passage.

I'd still defend Mr Selfridge's first season but… by the second episode of the second season it feels like the show's slipped radically somehow. Maybe what I liked previously (like the lack of a villain to boo) were just happy accidents

It's funny that someone who puts that much stock in who upvotes what would do self-upvotes.

It's great for weight loss.

"Bienvenue à" makes sense also if you're welcoming someone to a city, building or event.

I just can't take this fedora hate anymore!

I think the bit that may have got it removed (other than vigorous,
spiteful flagging, I mean) is that I kind of suggested that Cub hadn't
properly read the comment (and should have) they had ostensibly responded (or shrugged,
if you prefer) to, hence why they'd be forced to speculate wildly as to what the point of it

That's what I meant in my now removed comment. Thank you.

They also come from a "use sarcastic caps about people's insufficiently bad sexual abuse stories but flag other people's comments as inappropriate at the drop of a hat" school of sensitivity, as the fact that my original comment was removed testifies.

Tone deaf was right, yikes.

It's amazing what can be done with creative recapping these days. And shrugging! Ayn Rand was right.