
That alone doesn't make the "God, gods and angels" part of most of the run of BSG and the "Eh, God did it" point on which the finale converges an orthogonal fit.

Does anybody cry a tear that then turns into blood? Because it's not 'fantastic' if it doesn't hit that special Fuller class of symbolism!

I thought it was clearly Count Zaroff.

I believe that it is "château de cartes," since it's some cards, and not the cards.

I knew there was an inoffensive reason why watching Triumph of the Will turns me on!

Did he give you a prune?

Printing their games on platinum discs as a form of anti-bender DRM?

And not one of today's unpaid interns, either! Presumably.

They're little indigestion induced nightmare people. I know more about them than I want to already.

The really sad thing is that this is actually an upgrade on his original characterization.

Some people on the writing staff seem to have taken issue with the whole Fantasy and adventure aspects of the universe and show.

It's funny, I kind of knew something like this was coming when I originally saw that other episode. Like, in a general sense, they were getting rid of that 'wealth isn't an issue' element to the setting. And no sir, I do not like it.

Actually, when people complain about hipsters, they complain about all sort of different unrelated shit that they, personally, don't like.

"Go look at Iron Man 3; go look at The Winter Soldier; go see Guardians Of The Galaxy later this month."

The Monkees weren't about the music.

Yes, if the sandwich itself were to eat bacon, then there'd be a problem.

And zanoids!

He also uses a zanoid metaphor.

That headline sure went out of its way to be kind of misleading!