
He's in Rake season 3, too!

Instead, he rationalized the process of arguing with John Chrysler, so it could be done by a series of employees.

You mine uranium by digging into the direction that makes you sicker.

"(satire needs to cut both sides of the aisle down to size, guys)"

I just loved the theme song to Beware the Batman.

Calling it the Department of Homeland Security was a ploy by rightwing assholes to trick other people into using the word.

Lawful Neutral: "The best position to judge."

Unlike most people around here, I don't think Sleepy Hollow is a good kind of stupid, but there's really no comparison. Sleepy Hollow isn't in the same league of stupid as The Following, which is itself a cut above Under the Dome (which is the stupidest thing I've ever watched… but it doesn't even seem as offensive as

I controverse everytime I see Anne Hathaway.

If you kill an animal for food or for leather, the death and/or cruelty isn't the point. The point is the meat. So in theory you can minimize the cruelty.

The review was very emphatic about that interpretation, too. Maybe Erik is just very territorial about Winston; it sounds as though he also wants Furguson gone!

I hope I didn't imagine Nick's subtle reaction at that.

Those are more likely to do bong hits than just plain hits.

Isn't that literally what a bait and switch is?

Powerful Like a Gorilla, Yet Soft and Yielding Like a Nerf Ball.

Ha, wow, nice catch.

Did I just lose my old account?