
I would have been happy with either Pepp or Sasha in the top three, but Ru probably put her there to read her again on her fashion and tell her to step it up.

Shady quotation marks. I love it!

Me too. But WTF did they pick this song for the lip sync (I know, I know, promotional BS. And I kind of like the song, but clearly neither of these queens knew what to do with it). They should have used "All About the Bass," or one of the ones you mentioned.

This sounds like an utter train wreck. I can't wait for next week!

I don't buy that reasoning. It's flipping Aretha Franklin. Natural Woman. Come on, now.

I agree. Partially for the reason you mentioned. They also tend to be longer in the early episodes to give the viewer a better understanding of a queen so the viewer can get to know these early eliminees better. They probably get shorter as the season progresses.

Season 1: Akasha vs. Tammie Brown (arguably worse than this one, since Tammie didn't even lip sync, just kind of wobbled around); Season 4: Latrice Royale vs. Kenya Michaels.

I know! To be a fly on that wall…

I cannot agree more with your last statement!

I think Valentina might have an arc similar to Max's, as she has admittedly stated she isn't necessarily great at improv or quick banter. She may bomb at Snatch Game.

It might be an unfortunate side effect due to them now filming in HD, which, I think, has different lighting requirements for the cameras.

Rumor has it that she wasn't in drag in Episode 1 because that's when Mathu peaced out and her look was off Episode 2 because they had to get a sub real quick. This is supposedly the episode when Raven and Delta took over.

As a teacher of people around her age, I find her vapidness accurate. I don't necessarily disagree with the possibility you point out, but I'm also inclined to believe that she saw the writing on the wall and wanted to leave on a high personal note.

I totally agree. I thought she would just continue to get on my nerves and then she was so sweet. However, her speech on the runway was still a total WTF that she was deservedly read for. I know some people still don't love the new Untucked format, but the episodes this season have been great and eye opening (as

An ex of mine thought this way. It was a sign of his close-mindedness that really started me thinking he wasn't what I was looking for, as close mindedness is pretty much a no-go for me.

From what I've seen online, Kimora's LSFYL performance is pretty much what you can expect.

You read my mind. And Rupaul couldn't have a double sausage that late in the season. Also Fame was clearly terrible.

And she made it herself!!!!!!

The problem is that the finale is in Mexico and some chefs could see Katsuji's background as an advantage, as Doug did in his season.

I was complicit in that (ANTM was a glorious train wreck that I miss terribly), but I agree with another Rucap that basically says these challenges (just the first photo shoot ones; the less said about the horrible challenges on AS1 the better) serve to start everyone on an even playing ground and test their nerve.