
The term may be problematic but I unabashedly love that song.

This is a totally accurate response and also where I'm at. It's actually how I've felt for the last three seasons and their conclusions (S7, S8, and AS2). Yes, deserving winners, of course, but not the person my heart was set on.

Honestly can't hate that response.

Pretty much this, minus last week's performance.

And that's exactly what Detox did. Do I like it? No. Can I kind of accept it? Yes.

To be fair, Katya was clearly flubbing the words to the first part of the song—Detox wasn't perfect when they showed her but was slightly better—and admitted to not knowing the lyrics. I'm not mad at the Detox win on an objective basis, because think she did better here. I do wish Katya had won at least one of her

I remember reading it in an interview somewhere where she slammed the show and basically said that they edited her video to make it bad and that they switched the lip sync song at the last minute (basically making it a slam dunk performance for Chi Chi). It sounded like sour grapes then and it really sounds like sour

If this is true (and I believe it is), then Thorgy's claim that her video was badly edited by someone else last season is bullshit.

Thinking on your second point, I can see why Alaska won. I still prefer Katya's approach to the song; it felt more tonally authentic. I feel like she's still confused by this format and isn't pulling out every stop during the lip syncs. Her centered approach to the competition may be her undoing in the lip syncs.

I started laughing my ass off when Katya came out. And then she killed the lip sync. So robbed! Did anyone else notice the orthopedic shoes they were both wearing? I was both weirdly distracted and fascinated by them.

SHADE. I love it!

Nailed it.

Vicky Vox was the third member. She's a queen fans have been clamoring to see on RPDR, but I believe she has gone on record that she wants to succeed as a drag star without it.

As someone who is embarking into the final stages of my PhD (comps them dissertation), I appreciate this and will endeavour to make it my mantra) :)

Agreed. Plus if you watch any of the RC footage, she had been using that joke all night. This was just her best delivery. My guess is she's probably pretty tired of the question.

I've read some comments that this Kim Chi is still untouched.

For some reason, I read this as though she "slept" her way to the top of the competition (with the euphemistic reading).

That happens, actually.

My understanding is she is out about neither.

I always felt that Derrick was borderline, if not full on, racist at points. Or, at the very least, criminally tone deaf.