
And the people who called Manila out were also not Asian. When many comedians of color use their culture to develop their routines. I'm sorry, but your point does not follow at all.

Thank you for this. People need to calm the eff down.

This is the second post where I've read a similar critique; as someone said thread, drag is supposed to be irreverent. It is supposed to make you laugh and be entertained. Sometimes it's witty (see any of Bob's performances on YouTube); sometimes it's just entertaining. This was the latter. This "being racist"

Fair enough. I couldn't find another place to put those two cents in, so I thought I would put them here. :)

Thank you.

I think you are right, because she embodies androgyny in both her drag persona and her "boy" appearance. Probably the only winner on a similar level is Raja, but she represents more the ANTM style of drag whereas Violet is more of that beautiful unusual creature.

I really think it was her comment about respecting all forms of drag and how it gave her life that actually got her the win over the other two.

She's a burlesque queen, which is new ground for a winner (had Bendela won, she would have broken this ground).

Exactly. And that's why I loved it. Also The air tounging her and Kennedy did.

I have a distinct feeling the performance was edited down heavily because it was bad.

I'm with you. If Pearl had one, I would have rioted. Granted, her finale lipsync was her best performance on the show so far, but it seemed really short in comparison to the the other two. I have a feeling it was pretty bad so they edited it down to the good parts to create suspense, whereas Ginger and Violet got the

They are also probably wearing that because they just filmed their exit interview.

It has been confirmed that they are told to wear a single outfit for confessionals so that they can be stuck in anywhere, but they also tape them throughout the episodes, not all at once. How are you going to get instant reaction to things three weeks after it happens? Not going to happen.

They are. Though I do sometimes pity poor, bedraggled Madame LaQueer, with her kind of lame-ass drag name.

Agreed. :)

I'm just basing this off of statistics on RPDR. Ginger's only bottom twos were her LSFYLs. And both of those performances were very memorable, especially in this season. Latrice was in the bottom more times than that. Ginger has three wins and made it to the final three. Therefore, technically, she is better. Now, if

I think that was Michelle's comment as to its lack of professionalism—in that she wasn't using words correctly.

Well, Ru has been touting this season as the one that breaks expectations, so…

Latrice is more loveable and a killer performer herself but Ginger outshines her as a performer on RPDR.

I agree. pearl makes a lot of comments about how everyone else on the season lacks creativity but she's just as repetitive as everybody else.