
That sounds sexy somehow, hahaha.

I agree. Untucked shows that both Ginger and Kennedy have more experience competing, so some of their actions probably stem from that experience. I will say, unlike other queens who have been in a similar situation in the past, Ginger did not attack their style of drag; she commented on professionalism, which I think

Agreed. Although damn if they didn't tug at our heartstrings this episode with her. "The struggle is real" has much, much more depth now.

Agreed on the song. Enh. Not really catchy.

I will admit tonight was not her best night, but I also think they tend to get pretty cranky by the end. And it wasn't a drag down out fight and nothing Ginger said was untrue. Violet does have a short temper—she's just curtailed it a little but you know she wanted to give Michelle her two cents on her outfit (which

I actually could and to Kennedy's credit, she kept synching all the words even through all of her acrobatics.

That's true, but if there were a season where Ru was going to go "I make the final decision. Fuck all y'all," this would be it.

Thanks! I'll check it out. :)

Thanks! Where do you find that on the website?

I am laughing my ass off at this!

I am!!! I missed you!!! But, now that I am a full time lecturer and a full time student in a PhD program. I tried to keep up with TLo, but couldn't in the end. :( Though I'll probably hop over during summer break. :) I was planning to head back for RPDR coverage, but then they decided not to do it. So now I hang out

I understand. Last year I was really torn between Bianca and Adore for all the reasons everyone loves them. I must say that Violet has grown on me (like a beautiful purple fungus) but I am definitely a Ginger fan. Don't care about the narrative, don't care about CSIing her biography, just based on what she's shown,

It's probably tight-pants guy whose always teasing the queens with his big package.

Don't ask me. That's the title used, because that person has the vision for the costumes, no matter how they put them together.

I speak from experience. Especially given the type of theater Ginger would be most likely to work in, costume design is having other members of the theater bring items from home, buying vintage, etc. That's what I have had to do in the past in shows I have been in.

You are making my point above. Thank you.

Me too! It was probably a guy though, just to keep in tune with the rest of the show.

I think pearl is the most likely to be sent home next, especially if lipsynching is involved. Even without seeing Violet perform, I'm pretty sure the rest of the cast can out lipsync her.


Billy B, despite his overall bitchiness or, dare I say it, Santino?