
If you watch Untucked, much as I hate to see her go, it almost seems like a gift to let her leave at this point. She was having panic attacks about the competition plus she knew what she was heading into here with Kennedy. There is a sense of closure, despite how painful it is.

I just watched Untucked and her send-off. Katya dulls the pain with humor but it's definitely laughing through your endless tears.

I ranked them as follows, taking both looks and the implied challenge criteria into account:

Maybe. Ginger can apparently do pretty simple stuff like one or two seam outfits. However, that probably wouldn't cut it when you are piecing an outfit together from random crap.

Because they don't fit into easy soundbites that editors can use.

I think Violet actually did both while still being a little bit new and fresh, which is why she was the far and away winner in both challenges. Ginger also adapted her persona and hit the marketability, but was a little less creative overall (why she was my clear second place). Katya and Pearl's both had marketability

A lot of costume design, too, is less sewing and more putting disparate elements together. A lot of stuff gets prepurchased and hemmed or altered, which is a much different skill set than building something from scratch. If her credits are as the head costume designer, she would also probably have a couple of lackeys

To let us know that we have taste.

I'm with you. They were my clear bottom two, but Dobby wins again, goddamnit.

I was like, ooh, Katya, I like what you are doing with this song (which is clearly where the lip sync budget went). Oh, fuck, what the fuck is Kennedy doing? No, they are going to get enamored with her tricks when clearly Katya is into the song more. BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!

I actually think she's not exactly making excuses but she is kind of telling the story her own way. I think she can dance, but she knows she needs a lot of time to get the moves right. More time than RPDR challenges generally allow. And I think she is probably a decent costume designer, but, unlike Violet, she needs a

To hear Latrice's epic lipsync described this way gives me all the nine lives!

She doesn't even need a prompt. Just say "Hello."

Yes, but he is the guest judge next week.

It's nice to be right. I also just watched Fashion Photo Ruview and Ginger, Katya, Violet, and Kennedy got Toots while Pearl and Trixie got Boots. I am loving how Raven and Raja are managing to inadvertently piss off the Youtube-stans every episode. It makes my little black heart grow an inch or two. :)

Same. She didn't seem to be fazed or upset with it.

She did change up her hair this week, but it's hard to tell if that was a choice or forced because of the challenge.

True. I expected a Kennedy win for this challenge, with Pearl—based on her prior lip sync antics—being in the Bottom 2. Obviously, I was dead wrong.

Yes. But Ginger doesn't use very complicated choreography in those either. It's pretty simplistic in comparison to what they had to do here. I.e. just because you can move your body to music—like dancing in a club—does not mean you can just go and waltz the next day.

But that's the name of the game. Versatility, adaptation, and being prepared for anything. Trixie just showed an inability to adapt and perhaps a bit of a coasting mentality.