
I agree. Additionally, If you watch any of her performance videos on Youtube or her music video from Covergurls 2, Trixie is at her best with uptempo, high energy, high movement songs. Neither of her lipsyncs have been that type of song, and it looks like she's trying to force her style onto the song. She also pulled

There is a big difference between having rhythm and choreographed dancing, though. You'll notice that in both her lip syncs, while staying in the rhythm and feeling of the song, Ginger does not pull out any crazy dance moves or anything.

I'm not sure. She didn't seem that torn up about it, so I'm calling no biggie.

At the same time, though, that was probably the most technically difficult dance. So it was a trade off.

I'm not saying Trixie's was the worst thing ever, but on a sliding scale of great versus good versus not great, her look to me was clearly #5 out of six, with Ginger obviously being #6.

Exactly. And that is why it was so bad.

I disagree. Ginger's face was on par with everyone else. Trixie's mug was BUSTED. It looked really disjointed compared to everyone else. Both her and Ginger also looked really chintzy. Part of it is that they got hit with the country death knell and part of it was just a bad look.

I can't tell either way but she didn't seem to lose her (relatively weak) performance stride from it.

Especially that weird knee bend towards the middle…so strange. i know she's a great lip sync performer but these have not been her songs and she needed to change up her style to hit the tempo of the songs and she doesn't.

The water-cooler this season is sensitive AND pissy.

I disagree. Trixie's movements really did not go with the song at all. Ginger not only was in with the song and using a lot of different techniques (Trixie basically did the same thing throughout), she also through in a couple humorous moments as well. Ginger was the clear winner by a landslide.

I actually think this was a combined performance/sewing challenge. I'm pretty sure they had to construct those looks somehow.

At first I thought Ginger/Trixie's performance was pretty strong, but, the more I thought about it, it probably had the most problems. I think that Ru had to majorly take into account the runway here as a way to make decisions, since the performances were all fairly level with positives and negatives, which pushed

Yes! With the other girls egging her on to perform even more bizarrely and hilariously! This is how Untucked should always be.

I definitely agree. The bar has been set for bad behavior on the show by Phi Phi O'Hara and that bar is going to take a special queen to reach it. Ginger definitely ain't it.

Exactly. She's clearly a Katya-stan, and there is no better character trait than that. ;)

Like I said, definitely comes off as bitter sometimes and definitely at times two-faced. But not to the levels she is portrayed as. She has her sweet and funny moments too—and maybe that nice boot in the pants for letting that bitter attitude get in the way of excelling made her have an epiphany. We shall see.

Yes. I stand by my analysis. She's quite twatty at times, certainly, and, as I stated above, tends to be good thrower of the underhanded compliment; however, two things: she is nowhere near the uber-bitter mega bitch commenters across many platforms are making her out to be. At worst, she may almost hit Darienne Lake

Everyone says Ginger is super nasty, but I don't really see it. She can be a little two-faced, but, obviously, she's not awful as Katya and Trixie both seem to adore her. She's not the only one throwing shade, and her shade isn't anything on the Phi Phi level. No character attacks, no obvious insults. Most of what she

Ginger and Katya should just have a two woman (man?) show. The two of them together are comedy gold.