
You idiotic, race-obcessed useless husk of a man. It takes a special kind of person to even think about the kind of bullshit you just wrote, and I don’t mean special in a good way. You’re the epitome of a millenial; a useless, complaining man-child with an ego-problem.
Season’s greetings and buh-bye!

Race-baiting ignorance, SJW mindlessness and Glowbullclimatewarmingchange fetishization all in one rambling, poorly written screed. You are officially twat of the day.

Well, maybe whiteness is great then. It’s sure a lot better than your petty racism.

Yes you definitely should not comment on global warming when you write an article this stupid, god forbid you show some humanity and save a rabbit. White people are just so darn “problematic”though I suppose, idiot. Nevermind of how much of a hypocrite are.

90% of people commenting on this post: Echo... echo... echo... (hmm... I like this. Let me try something here.)

Atleast rabbits won’t steal your TV set. Give white people more credit :)

Why are you so quick to condemn whiteness?

Good lord. No wonder you people worship Maxine Waters. You’re morons.

“Everything wrong with whiteness”, there’s literally nothing wrong with being white. It’s ok to be white.

That dude that saved that bunny was Mexican. Way to go with the constant race baiting. Is it hard waking up every morning being such a hater ?

This is a retarded article and many of the posters below are also retarded. But thats what I expected from Anti white racists...stupidity.

It also represents the patriarchy REEEEEEEEE

This article is straight up racist.

“love... has limits” Why 72% of Black children in the US live in single parent homes, right here. Love, to you, has to benefit you. You just revealed how unabashedly selfish you are. You chose to coexist with this being (through the consequences of your actions, whether you adopted an animal or planted your seed in a

I’m glad the rabbit lived.