
I’m so sorry your dad over shared like that. It would have been bad enough if you were a boy, but as a girl, hearing all that was really beyond all boundaries. It was so gross of him to do that. Sadly, parents like your dad are more common than some would think.

I want him to show up at his military parade in a uniform Ivanka designed wearing a bunch of medals he awarded himself.

Sorry Urban. That sounds fucked up.

Here’s hoping


When my dad died we had to go through his things; my brother found porn and home made dirty pictures. He thought it was funny but I was was way more than I wanted to know.

The ex wife of Scott Weiland (Stone Temple Pilots) spoke up when he died to say - Let’s not pretend he was a great person now. He did a lot of bad things. And I’m sure her perspective is skewed, but I prefer this as opposed to deeming a person a saint just because they died. No need to ram it down everyone’s throat,

I don’t really get what the big deal is. Compared to some of the rumors/well-known things in both Brando and Pryor’s histories, an age-appropriate coupling with a consenting adult seems pretty tame.

“Why is that? Did they ask? Did their parents tell?”
Seriously, there were times I could not shut my dad up about his conquests, as if the litany was some badge of honor I was expected to tell my teen and college girlfriends as a recommendation for my hot dad (I had to forbid him from seducing my friends, and he

You’re not wrong about this. The amount of people who worship this guy like he’s a messiah because of his antics and racism. I can only wonder how nuts his base is going to become when his crimes come to light.

I’ve had the same thoughts about all of this. I needed a nail file at my parent’s house recently and spied viagara in the bathroom drawer and it was way more information than I ever wanted about my parents sex life.

This is my greatest fear. That it will become well known, with unequivocally damning proof that Donald Trump committed a crime, and *no one will do anything about it*. That the mealy mouthed GOP will cobble together statements of disappointment but won’t let impeachment proceedings happen. That the Democrats somehow

With your premise in mind: they are fucked and shouldn’t be catered to in any way, shape, or form anymore. Sure, you may sway a few, get enough to consider that maybe their faith is a noose woven with bullshit and their feet are on a termite-adled stool swaying in a slight breeze... but not enough to change their

He’s a lot of things to a lot of people.

This is truly the most disturbing thing you’ve written. The fact that it rings true just makes it worse. Sigh.

This is so on point.

Even worse ... none of it will matter.

Trump has pushed our country to the breaking point. We can take some solace that he did not win the popular vote and that there are actually more sane than insane people voting.