
I learned about the relationship with Soon-Yi first, and that was more than enough for me to remove him from my list of people whose films I’ll watch. Just based on that relationship alone, I honestly don’t get how anyone could disbelieve Dylan Farrow.

Not only that, but has filmed countless scenes of ripening-with-promise young girls being totally and creepily involved in their fathers’ romantic lives with adult partners, and displaying it as a loving act between father and daughter.

And men we like can’t do anything bad, so anyone who accuses them must be a dirty liar. Years ago Jezebel ran an article that suggested, among other things, that Roman Polanski was the real victim and the 13-year-old he raped actually took advantage of his naïveté.

I think I heard about this four years or so ago. Way before #metoo. Frankly, so many people are bending over backwards to protect Allen. It’s gross.

Because a man,especially a rich one, matters more than anyone else.

If you assaulted one child and it led to an investigation and court case it wouldn’t be surprising if you did stop at one...or got much better at covering your tracks.

It’s the Bill Crosby defence. Only one accuser: she’s lying. More and more women kept appearing, they all can’t be liars. There were too many to ignore. As for Dylan Farrow, one victim should be enough. It’s not a numbers game. She matters, her voice matters and what happened to her matters a lot.

Not to mention, the way Dylan and her family has been vilified would probably deter anyone else from coming forward. Shit, who wants to deal with assholes mocking you and calling you a liar in a national newspaper?

And rich coming from someone who is quite literally being an opportunist and taking advantage of both the #metoo movement and Dylan’s story to further his own career by writing this extremely hot take.

Stephens is practicing lazy journalism. Yesterday he tweeted that if Allen was guilty the judge presiding over the case could have found Allen guilty. The only problem is that this wasn’t a criminal case and Allen was not being tried on his guilt or innocence. The Judge did find that the allegations were credible.

That seems to be a constant thread through all these “let’s not be too hasty” articles in that he only has once accuser. Plenty of those found under #MeToo only had one very vocal accuser in cases but no one cared then but so many people, a surprisingly large amount of women in particular, seem to want to defend Woody

I just don’t know why people are still carrying water for this scumbag.

We are talking about a man who has been OPEN about being into underage girls since...well, since at least Manhattan. I don’t get the confusion?

This article, from 2014, does an excellent job of breaking down the way the coverage of the case has bent over backward to claim inconsistencies in Dylan’s story while completely ignoring all the inconsistencies and flat-out lies in Woody’s:

Why in the fuck does there need to be more than one accuser?!

I’ve seen some commenters here say that the fact that Woody “only” molested one child is somehow enough evidence that he didn’t even do that. I think this is Law and Order: SUV’s fault. Somehow we all now believe we are experts on child molesters and their behavior and we just KNOW that there MUST be more because NO

His verdict: Farrow is an opportunist taking advantage of the #MeToo moment for the purpose of “smearing” Woody Allen

White peoples..Still doin what they do..a different way. From the Presidency all the way to gerification in former hoods.

Egyptians came in all kinds of colors but from their own drawings she clearly had a caramel complexion. This bust looks ridiculous.