
I actually watched part of this interview live in the doctor's office yesterday and was absolutely disgusted! UGH!

Andersen is definitely the weak link in the cast.

Photo of the guy who posted the ad. He's not going to try to turn you into a doll or anything. He promises. lol

Bras are the worst invention ever!

oh God! I read the headline, I was forewarned but still decided to sit through and read the entire post! Why did I do this to myself? Why?

Why are the discrepancies they speak of? Why so vague?

I grew up in Jersey I was in to Italian boys. what can I say?

is it really stalking if he's not contacting her?

idk...I was a Joey Fatone girl myself lol

Play offs are coming

Bedroom doors are great for preventing this sort of thing... That poor kid

idk I usually tell my little cousin's daughter that she's so funny more so than pretty because seriously that kid is hilarious.

"those spotlight-stealing bitches from Frozen."—- I laughed too hard at this


This is so wack! C'mon son. People are too easily impressed.

This was too long..started off funny but I got bored half way through. Sometimes less is more.

we have way different taste in music that sounded god awful to me. But to each their own. She really needs to work on those vocals.

I always thought Willow had talent although she's not a strong singer. She could benefit from voice lessons. I haven't heard her new stuff so I don't know if she's gotten stronger vocally or not.

I'd agree with that cuz whip my hair was my jam. But if there lyrics are anything like the shit they say in these interviews I will not be a fan.