
The end was better than the beginning... I almost fell asleep in the beginning

because your comment seemed very troll like. I didn't think you could possibly serious

Lets not value the bodily autonomy of rich white people over that of poor brown people.—— this line right here!

Lemon juice truck lol

I think the perps line of thinking doesn't make sense not the story... Leave Mark alone

You're trolling, right?

This was a horrible read and your references made absolutely no sense to me. I think you were trying to make a point with this review but by being immature and insulting you completely missed the mark. I'd really live my five minutes back.

Obviously, you made a general sweeping statement about cats and I corrected you.

Did you not read the part where customers complained about the smell?

So this I'd just a black problem? If white kids were getting killed like this there would be more coverage and light shed on why.

Thank you!

All cats are different somethings work for others its all in the way your socialize them. My cat likes me to blow on his face after I drink my coffee because he likes the smell of coffee lol he's weird

He's not really attacking her its play aggression she needs to distract him with a toy. My little boy kitty does that sometimes too but then I just break out his favorite toy and he take the aggressive energy out on it instead of me.

lmao! That kid has been here before!

He sounds like such a little old man lol too cute!

I want to unsee this...I don't want to know this exists lol

If Google wants to see all my receipts from grub hub go right ahead the NSA already has seen them. I'm glad this creep got caught

This is the best thing I found on the internet today!

I loved Robin Thicke before his sleaziness I felt his music was way better.. Have you ever heard Angel...that was the jam back in the day. He had a solid fan base but Blurred Lines blew him up and I think it went to his head.

I watched the pool scene last night...I can never unsee that... NEVER! lol