
It seems your solution is rather pricey: []

"you're protecting your passwords and data, but you have to trust Hotspot Shield with where you're browsing"

Aside from the obvious?

Assuming we're talking about ROMs that are available across many devices (which, if we're not, this is a pretty useless high-5)...

They already ordered 20

well said

Battery usage isn't something people really care much about with respect to flashlight apps. Usually you just have it on for a few seconds, or at most a couple minutes.When I'm using the flashlight, it's because I need it for something, which means I want it bright. I'm not really interested in saving a minute or so

I use it with the quad-unlock lockscreen on AOKP, but yes I agree

At least on Lifehacker the author sticks around for a while and fixes the typos and what not when people point them out.

Most android phones these days do have FM radio

Yea I was just about the edit my post, but the commenting system isn't letting me do that.

Just to be clear, there are two variants of the LCS, the Austal one and the Lockheed Martin one. This article is just about the Austal one. Also I believe you guys are showing a picture of the wrong ship, although I'm on my phone so it's difficult to look into it further... most people probably don't know the

Yup. Their three dots were horizontal, more closely resembling the ellipsis

Yes, that is what I meant

Good point, I'm not versed in all the various gun laws across all the states... in fact I'm not that familiar with the gun laws in my own state (NY), but I think it goes something like this: You can walk into walmart, dicks, etc. and buy something like a rifle or a shotgun (although I'm sure there's some form of

I would probably just stick whatever is dispensing the c02 directly into the liquid (hence the need for food-grade materials) rather than filling up some form of canister with co2 and mixing it around

"Both have since been charged with assault with a deadly weapon and negligent discharge of a firearm"

I'm no chemist (or whatever the right "ist" for this would be) but I feel like shaking probably makes is look more carbonated but probably makes it less carbonated in actuality. Like shaking a soda... sure you get all sorts of bubbles. But that's because it's losing carbonation.

I would say no, this probably doesn't cover that. But, plenty of other laws most likely do.