
Although this particular item certainly looks nice, I suspect if you were really interested in saving money, you could hack together something similar at a fraction of the cost (although admittedly, that is more of a Lifehacker type project). You'd just have to make sure all the materials are food-grade.

Gotcha... that makes sense. Even if it would work (which it sounds like it probably wouldn't), I wouldn't do it anyway because (a) I don't want to lose my $30 unlimited data with verizon and (b) I'm too cheap to pay many hundreds of dollars for a new phone...

"The setting button on stock ICS isn't a gear anymore, its a tile with a couple of horizontal sliders."

I think you might be confused, probably because he didn't actually show a picture of the button he's talking about. The "three dots" button he's talking about is #4 in this picture. In case it doesn't show properly here's a link to the picture I'm talking about: [] It's also in pretty much every

It's also MUCH brighter.

It makes plenty of sense. This young gent hopped onto the UPS truck, opened a package which contained a sewing machine, punched the driver, and jumps out before the driver crashes the truck... and now he's posing for a photo.

you could probably pay the early termination fee and then get a new phone at the subsidized price for less, no?

second girl from the right in the bottom picture... wtf is that?

Oh I see now. My sincerest apologies for not using proper capitalization in my comments... I guess we cant all live up to your standards of excellence.

at the risk of diving even further into this pointless discussion... where does the "Apparently afraid of the 'Shift' key" come from?

If your whole point is that it was "couched in a much worse example of what [I] was criticizing" then you need to look up the definition of the term "worse"

Clearly referring to "nuclear detector" as a single entity. If all he had to do was use two real words he could've called it a "pineapple notepad," but that's not really how it works... the words have to actually make sense when used together and actually describe the thing you're trying to talk about.

"definitely no Lysol but probably maybe air freshener or some sort of something"

I see what you're saying but that's not exactly the same thing

Looks like those tux rentals turned into a used-tux purchase.

My writing was appropriate for where it is... comments. The thing I was critiquing, on the other hand, was not someone else's comment (as you are doing), but an article on the site. Pointing out non-words in the article itself does not require 100% proper essay-qualiy English. It would be one thing if I completely

:-p lol (ut o, I better be careful with that)

Even if I concede that your point stands about my writing, nobody had any question about what I meant either. My point still stands about the original article.