
I don't think you literally meant literally, as tugging the card reader has to at least take some (albeit small) amount of time.

You shouldn't need technology to force you to live within your means. If having a credit card means you cant control yourself, then by all means stick to cash. For the rest of us, paying with a credit card, and then paying it off every month, is a good way to save money.

replying to approve

replying to approve

This isn't the "what phone do you use" poll. It's what is best. You admitted that there's newer phones you would like. The Inc 2 doesn't even have 4G.

As much as I love my Incredible, it hasn't been the "best" for a while.

replying to approve

replying to approve

replying to approve


Adam, where did you get that picture? They mixed up the micro and mini USB connectors. Lol #photoshopfail

I don't work through lunch, but I do eat at my desk. I just spend the 30minutes relaxing and watching/listening to podcasts while I eat.

"Submitted for the approval of the Midnight Society, I call this story..."

Primadesk is not exactly what I'm looking for. You still have separate "bins" that your files are kept int. You still have to manage them all yourself. If one fills up you need to start using another. If you want to upload a file that's big, you need to know which service to use.

Someone needs to make a service that just ties into all of these other services (Dropbox, SkyDrive, Google Drive,, Amazon Cloud Drive, Sugar Sync, etc.)

It sounds like the answer to "or am I oversimplifying it?" was yes

The RAID array doesn't have to necessarily always be online. It could be used like an external hard drive but with fault tolerance.

I was surprised to see no mention of a RAID array. Isn't the whole point the fact that any one drive can fail and your data will be fine (assuming you've set it up in this configuration). Couldn't you just keep replacing drives over time as they fail? Or am I oversimplifying it?

In the given restaurant scenario, you now have ketchup all over your straw. Even if you wipe it off, it's still inside. You'll have to ask for a new straw now. Why not just use a knife (which you can easily wipe off) like a sane person? This whole straw thing makes the task much more complex than is has to be.