
QR codes for app downloads haven't been commonplace since the Android Market implemented pushing of apps from the website, which happened back in 2010.

Since it won't let me edit, I'll add here...

"how slow and bloated its become"

That whole ordering your shit strategy that he gave really only works if your shoes are slip-on. If not, you are holding everyone up while you put your shoes on instead of getting your damn junk off the belt and getting the f*&k out of the way.

second that.

Stop talking to youself. Lol.

VOTE: Linux Mint 12 "Lisa" (Gnome 3/MATE)

I did a ctrl+f for the word "jedi" and was really disappointed when I didn't see anything. Then I saw this. Good work.

The fact that you can immediately identify it as a Prius just from a picture of (part of) the wheel is a little sad.

YMMV. I've seen things for screenings online before, but every time I look they're only offered in major cities.

Unless you're reading forums or reviews of the movie or something like that, you probably don't have to worry about spoilers anyway. It's not like people are just going to be talking about this everywhere you turn. We're not talking about the super bowl here.

"It's really not an idea, situation" -> "It's really not an ideal situation

Aldi is the bomb. In my experience, there is a bit of a stigma, but I don't see why. The food is amazing and it's all backed by a "quality double guarantee" (replacement+refund)

I only drive around my girlfriend and she's too annoyed with the ear-piercing squealing of the breaks to notice the cleanliness (or lack thereof)

Too lazy to do,

I know there are apps and such that if you get put on hold will call you back when someone picks up (LH has covered it/them), but this really should be how it works... Enter your information and someone will call you. Good on ya, Google. This is how all customer service should work.

If that's the case, it should be organizational policy to leave computers on at night, and that would have to be communicated that to the users.

The Xbox can also be set to, when you tell it to turn off, wait for any active downloads to finish before doing so.

Podcasts still use RSS technology. That's the only way I use RSS, or ever have.