That's the strangest UI meld I've ever seen.
That's the strangest UI meld I've ever seen.
@BallPtPenTheif: Dementium (DS)?
@MrBounce: Wouldn't you have bought (and played) RE5 first?
@jeffk: Depends on the internet speed: if you have a 56k connection, you'll be glad that you don't have to waste a few extra minutes downloading half a megabyte.
Isn't there a harmless dye you can use which'll stain the hands of anyone who tries to get their hands inside your luggage?
@battra92: There was (at least) one instance of that, with the first Pokemon DS games: you could "migrate" your pokemon from the GBA games.
@B1663R: probably not: they (if they're like Pandora) don't stream outside the US.
I just came back to Firefox because of Chrome's dismal downloading capabilities (a download would slow to 30 kb/s in Chrome, and gradually die, and be 90 kb/s in Firefox, and never die). I'm not sure about Strata40 - does it work with All-Glass Firefox?
@AtomFury: iPhone SDK... :(
I run 16-bit, bitches.
@breadofwonder: stylus and touchscreen are one and the same concept, they aren't exactly analog sticks (one is a d-pad and one is 4 buttons with no sensitivity on both).
@Bernard McGraw: You can kill them in Battlefront 1...
It's not really scalable unless it's square.
@ssoltero: There's auto-aim?
@(Starman) NONAME: I thought that, instantly.
@Rob Hayes: That's the Minefield builds. They can range from being completely stable to unusable... they are basically the results of code commits and other stuff.
@ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNO-TOAD: As the article stated quite clearly.
@Will Price: +1. I love how there isn't a paid version. Microsoft finally seems to be doing something right (after the Xbox 360 and Windows Vista).
@ssoltero: You think so? I kick ass in that mode.