@ssoltero: It's called button-only controls...
@ssoltero: It's called button-only controls...
If she were a real gamer, she couldn't/wouldn't spell "Kart" with a C.
@pmbaustin: +1
Imagine the evil things one could do with this.
@dexter_greycells: Go India... boo Santa Rosa cinemas.
@Unionhawk: @CrossCut49:
AGAIN: PostBox is not free anymore.
@IN THE FACE!: There's an edit button now :)
I paid $3.00 for those awesome, awesome glasses. Then, they took them away from me at the end of the movie. wtf.
@bmart008: Pretty sure they already had UMDs.
@German Cons Tapia: I seem to remember four numbers at the end of the Metroid: Other M trailer. I think they were a 2, a 0, a 1, and another 0.
@The_M: vs. The Board Of Education
You know that Enigma isn't its own application, it never has been, it's an addon for Rainmeter?
GSM/CDMA: Which one will work both in Australia and the US? I'm also wondering which one the iPhone is, as well, since I was able to use mine with AT&T here and Optus in Australia.
@CnEY: What's not to like about turning off UAC..?
@battra92: There's no 'U' in MacGyver.
@Mikestan: No, I'd say it's like getting the Ferrari without the wing mirrors and with fabric seats instead of leather ones.
@Communist Pope: American Idiot was more of a transition album. 21st Century Breakdown is the most mature album they've released to date.
@lionkitten: Well said! You get a heart.