
I saw this and was like OMG! And then I read it and I was still like OMG. Green Day is awesome. :D

My only response: ;_;

@LiC: Or you could have a bagel sandwich. Just sayin.


It's really easy to do it without an extra tool, all you have to do is reformat a 4GB or up USB drive to NTFS, copy over the files, and put the bootmanager on the USB (I think it's [bootsect.exe] /nt60 all)

@Phoshi: I believe that when I first hold Other M, I will s**t my pants. No joke.

@Antoine Awwad II: Those are Windows programs... Chromium OS runs on a Linux core.

@Lody: Have you tried JCreator?

@sereal: I think there was a Windows "clone" but it was completely crap... and there is usually (at least with DSLinux) an on-screen keyboard on the bottom screen. I know what you mean though...

@Yerzriknot: RIP (and I hope you come back soon) Demonoid.

And for what it's worth, games cost a lot in Australia. As in, a lot.

@n00b_pwner: Also 8, in the case of... well, pretty much any game which has a working crack. Games are SO expensive here, it's only a proper price if you get them off Steam.

@Vitter: But we're not loud morons, so SUCK ON THAT!

@TrjnRabbit: My cat got pwned by a drop bear the other day. S/he has a big gash on her stomach... but s/he's alright.

@Fluorine: You think stuff costs a lot there? Try living in Australia! :O

It's funny, because number 8 is completely true. I live in Adelaide, and we get so much disturbing shit on the news... also the biggest thing on the news is some crazy chick saying "I had sex with the Premier" (the Premier is like the governor).

@WhatTheFrag: Except for the fact that Eee PCs run all flavours of Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X. The best that the Nintendo DS can come to that is running console Linux or Mac OS 8.

@madammina: But she's, like, 200 feet tall! Luigi+Astral star-chick = bad

@Atomsk88: You sound like you're introducing him with a sales pitch. However, even Snake has better recovery moves than Luigi.

@Atomsk88: But he's always falling over, and using those wimpy green fireballs!