
Ok Mr. Park, talk to me about the broccoli. Lay it on me. 

Hahah, next time he comes on the show he’ll be like. “No crunch talk!”

Really enjoyed your article. I remember this battle pretty clearly. Back before guides were easily available on the web I remember being puzzled by the promotion system wondering if it was really worth it.

Is there a story? Dialog?

The bbq food?

I like you. Thanks!

I have been playing hearthstone since beta and have around 20 games I purchased that I want to play- I really do- but I just don’t. I love deeply engaging games the two I want to play the most right now are legend of heroes trails in the sky and the banner saga. For hero’s I’ve played through the first chapter but its

Was hoping to see something around NES and Sega specifically as I have a couple of both. I’ve seen some posts previously about third parties putting out games for these old systems.

Do a go fund me and we’ll get you that shiney pc for christmas =D Love your reviews.

I haven’t played any Saga games. Is this a good place to start?

Great jon writing a truthy review without giving anything away! In itself an awe inspiring task.

In the New Orleans area we have a great group of players that get together and have a good time. The first step is finding a local bar, coffee shop, or gaming store that is interested in a possible monthly event.

Im 36 Sean. Ive been watching anime for a long time. As you have alluded there is a whole spectrum of flavors.


This is so depressing that so many good shows are behind amazon’s paywall. We’ve come so far with legal anime, it’s a huge step back.

I laughed so much.

This is one case where I would preorder. It is like a party in a box.

I feel like the right approach will somehow blend ideas from Moorcocks The Dancers at the end of time, Nick Sagen’s Idlewild, and a healthy spoonful of Serial Experiment Lain.

Just start a kickstarter or gofundme to fund the project. I’d put 10 bucks out there to preserve the video game history.