2nd and 3rd gen CTS had optional AWD, not sure if it was rear-biased tho
2nd and 3rd gen CTS had optional AWD, not sure if it was rear-biased tho
If OSHA wasn’t already super overloaded I’m sure a spot inspection would turn up a few surprises.
Technology. If you know where to look and what to download you can use a jailbroken tablet or phone or a laptop to “talk” to the car’s transponder and clone the keyfob code. Since the Hellcats are all push button start and you’ve already cloned the keyfob, all you have to do is jump in and hit the button and you’re…
Weather huh? Okay....
Division 2 also has a transmog system for gear, but IIRC it took them well over a year to finally add it in. Vests, gloves, masks, kneepads, backpacks and holsters. The only items you can’t transmog in the above categories are the Exotic ones.
I almost got killed in one of these fucking things during a test drive. Even with the 5MT it couldn’t get out of it’s own way.
I don’t recall those signs and I lived in Las Cruces and commuted to El Paso for the better part of a decade.
One of my aunts has an Encore. She says it’s crap and can’t wait to get rid of it.
I linked a video a bit further down where an actual defense lawyer explains why you NEVER give any answer to the police besides “I do not consent to having my vehicle searched” when asked or even when threatened for the LEO to detain you while they get a drug dog.
Little of Column A, little of Column B. Throw in a blender and run on high for ten minutes. Apply to eyeballs.
Probably depends on the make of the car. A friend of mine works at an MB dealer and got an email from corporate that they aren’t sending any new V8 models and will be removing those models from the ordering system. Which means a few people have posted their AMGs at a price where they hope to score a decent profit.
$100 says this guy has everything backed up and stored somewhere else already.
Back in the day I would have gotten a “corrective reset” to the back of the head from one of my parents if I acted out anywhere, let alone the cabin of a plane
I’ve flown Jet Blue a few times and it was pretty nice. Free Wifi, screens in the seatbacks that let you play games with other passengers plus a map of the flight that shows stats like altitude, airspeed, etc that’s pretty good at engrossing little kids that wanna know “how much longer?”
You and I must have wives with the same social programming. She does that shit wherever she goes whereas I want as little to do with anyone else as possible.
Variable geometry turbo might cause boost control problems with high miles (the most recent ALH-powered car I bought is just starting to give me overboost codes in certain situations with 300,000 miles on it—also, it still doesn’t consume any oil through a 10,000 mile oil change).
The working theory is that he’s agreed to step down to draw attention away from the nursing home stuff. Not that it’s going to work.
He specifically said on the first page he wasn’t looking at any of the remakes, only the OG releases. That’s why the remastered RE1 isn’t on here as well or the RE3 remake.
I live in Utah and some fly-by-night or just outright scummy insurance agents try that proportional liability shit here too. I was in a car with a friend and we got rear-ended while stopped at a red light. I was with my friend when he made the call to his insurance company and we found out that the other driver had…
I live in Magna and know exactly where that’s at. Did they leave your car on the side street that runs between the Lexus building and the Toyota building or just right on State St?