Southwest Nomad

I had to wait a bit to try the Popeye’s sandwich when it was announced because the local store kept running out of chicken for it people wanted it so much. First time I actually tried it the sandwich had so much mayo on it I got queasy and couldn’t finish it. Second time I asked for less mayo and extra pickles and the

Religious people are nutty. A friend of mine used to own a farmhouse dating back to the late-1800s. A few months after they bought it they woke up one morning to the sounds of voices, a lot of voices. They look out their window and the house is surrounded by about 60 people walking all over the property taking

I used to work with a guy named Courtney. He was....putting this politely... “special”

Only time I’ve ever called the police on my neighbors is when the people across the street from me were having a shoving match on the sidewalk in front of the house and they kept trying to push one another into the street where cars were going past. The cop shop is right around the corner by a couple of blocks so they

My friend had a 200C that was a fully loaded V6 model. It tried to set itself on fire twice in six months of ownership. After the second time he got the dealership to buy it back and he went and bought a fourth gen Kia Optima that he still owns.

I’ve looked her up on reddit before and the most you get (on reddit anyways, not sure about OF) is maybe a bare ass pic or she’s wearing very see-through lingerie.

Having lived in Utah for 20 years now I can say that the hypocrisy from the “pious” is quite tangible. 

Jealousy and insecurity

HB3531’s proposed changes would instead ban the sale of “violent” games to buyers of all ages

Airport runway actually.

What car is this?

I actually activated this feature on my base model Jetta via an app and a wifi OBDII scanner. Holding the lock button locks the car and rolls up any windows that were lowered. Also holding the unlock button will lower the windows until you let go.

Somehow my iPhones have always been mysteriously heavy enough to set off the passenger side seatbelt warning in my car when I lay it on the seat and I’m the only one in the car. Doesn’t do it in my wife’s car, only mine.


Using the radio for other shit besides the radio, so that when you replace the radio, you lose a bunch of other functions, if you can actually replace it. What’s wrong with double DIN again?

I worked for three dealerships over the course of a year and a half and at each one they warned you that pulling “old school” slimy sales stuff on a customer such as “losing the keys” would get you instantly fired. That’s not to say they didn’t encourage slimy bullshit amongst other salesmen but nowhere that I worked

I worked for a Nissan dealer when the 350Z hit the market. If you wanted a test drive it was a credit check, copy of your license and insurance and a $1k refundable deposit. And the GM was wondering why nobody was lining up to buy the damned things.

Eh, Utah made lane filtering legal some time ago and it seems to be working out ok. The biggest problems seem to be chuds that act like self-appointed road police and open their doors or angle their cars to block bikers because for some reason they can’t bear the thought of someone getting ahead of them at the light.

This isn’t a big of a surprise as you’re making it out to be. They said there would be an announcement on Reddit after the release of the Resident Evil cross-over content. People are just insanely impatient and act like one game is all they’re allowed to play so they want to know what’s happening with it 24/7.

I work for one of the aforementioned companies that has purchased some of the Tesla Semis and talk with the drivers and mechanics on a daily basis. They’re the ones that are going to be working in and around these things and to a man nobody wants them.