Yeah, due process of law should be an option. So tiresome.
Yeah, due process of law should be an option. So tiresome.
The guitar, where does it go at the end?
I love how they’ve got like 5 famous guitarists already on stage and they’re like, “but we need Prince for the solo.” And also that apparently there was some dude whose whole job was to be a Prince support and help him stand back up.
Prince guitair-shaming Tom Petty is the highlight form this already sublime performance.
Is it totally wrong that as a lifelong Beatles fan, the first thing that I thought of when I read that quote about “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” was that exact same clip of Prince literally shredding Eric Clapton’s work on the original?
I am SO relieved! This whole situation has just been a nightmare of unfairness and abuse of power reminiscent of the bad old days of the civil rights movement, complete with water cannons. And when I learned that the pipeline was originally planned to go near some white town, and they got it moved because they were…
Eh, I haven’t seen it, but this post fairly reeks of “trying to be the contrarian.” Boring.
its more than a little different. If you believe both of them did it, then Affleck is a douchebag who treats women like shit and has harrassed them, then payed them what the court believe they deserved. If you believe Parker did it then he raped a woman and then ripped her in the press until she killed herself. While…
Except the disparate numbers of women and men likely contribute to the sexual assault issues, under an equal draft system a dramtic increase in the number of women mat very well lead to a decrease in such issues. It’s a lot harder to marginalise and ‘other’ individuals when they are just like 50% of your army. Not…
with such a long time between play, premature “completion” is not uncommon.
The idea isn’t really that men (for example) are barred from having/expressing opinions on sexism simply because they are men. Rather the intent is to ensure that women have the opportunity to express their opinions since they personally experience sexism. In general society, women’s experiences with and opinions on…
Bullshit false equivalence. People were “afraid” of Obama taking away their rights based on dumb lies made up by his enemies.
After last night I’m wondering if what Maeve is doing is actually Ford’s new storyline. Hence why no one seems to notice or care about her wandering around when she is with the medical techs. They could possibly be hosts as well or told to entertain her. He is using Maeve and her growing army to slaughter the board &…
First, I am a woman. Second,
Isn’t it a bit problematic to concern ourselves with micro-aggressions against a privileged and powerful white person who orchestrated the election of a fascist which has resulted in MACRO-aggressions against POC, especially Muslim women? This bitch is a fucking Nazi (or worse- an opportunist who promotes neo-Nazism)…
normally I’d be all against sexist depictions of woman and such but really its a barbarian setting. its kinda its stick.
Is it somehow a slow news day?
I’m pretty easily offended, but I’ve got nothing to say about this one. Let’s all move along.