
If you’re living in an urban city, things are great for you. But if you’re living in a small town where the biggest employer is a walmart, and you’re deciding between paying the house note or the medical bills, America doesn’t feel great. If your cost of living is high, but your wages are stagnant, America doesn’t

Not a single visit. She had one planned when the shooting in FL happened. Never followed up.

IT IS NOT NATE SILVER’S FAULT THAT PEOPLE DON’T UNDERSTAND PROBABILITIES. He gave Trump a higher chance of winning the presidency than the Cubs had of coming back and winning the World Series after Game 4 and we literally all JUST saw that happen. He doesn’t conduct the polls, he aggregates them, and there was no way

Before the election, most people were skewering Nate Silver for “scare-mongering for clicks” because he was warning everyone that Trump still had a good chance of winning, that there was an unusual amount of volatility because of all of the undecided voters, that there was a good chance Trump won the EC but lost the

Anna’s husband fucks Michéle behind her back

Probably because he absolutely knows it’s best for the country, including all those that voted for him. And he’s a decent person.

It wouldn’t be the police dragging him out. It would be the entire SCOTUS refusing to recognize him as a justice. There is a 0% chance the other justices would allow him to hear cases. They already had a far more borderline recess appointment case in 2014 (NLRB v Noel Canning) and Obama’s attempted appointment lost

i’m really curious as to how you envision this would possibly work. Obama just says “Garland is a justice now, tough shit”? that’s not how this works. that’s not how any of this works.

Are they mannequins, or mannecan’ts?? 

Dude moving his eyes killed me.

Gore lost because he took WV for granted. It made sense to the ‘experts’ at the time that the most consistently voting Democrat state could be safely ignored. The guy literally dropped in to an airport in Northern WV, gave a 15 mins speech about the environment (implicitly suggesting coal was screwed, which is the

Yup. Democrats vote for people they like; Republicans vote against people they hate. The truth is, the men and women (alike) wouldn’t have voted for Clinton in any case. Now, everyone is scrambling to say this third party vote (which is smaller than usual anyway) is bad, and third parties are bad, and the election

While I find stein and the other one stupid as fuck and while I am sure that republican “voter suppression” had a marginal effect on the outcome the only conclusion that I can draw from what Happened is exactly what you have written. Americans voted for him if their own volition. I dont even believe that the Comey

Let me know when the scapegoating is done. I hated the campaign that we ran from start to finish. By the time the DNC moved onto the general election, the public was already divided into tribes and hoping our cohesion would beat theirs. Then, like now, it was scapegoating all around and we dropped the ball in an

Every time I come here to say white women are racist too, people come in droves to shit on me. Today, you literally have proof that white women voted for trump in droves but here you are, blaming Gary fuckin Johnson.

As someone who voted for Clinton: Fuck Comey for that god damned letter.

I am a middle-aged white woman and I agree with the white male staff’s criticisms of Clinton. There is enough divisive rhetoric about sexism already without calling it out any time someone disagrees with a powerful woman. Yes, there might be some people who are hiding misogyny behind fake political objections, but it


I really thought this was going to be a Crosby-Malkin thing.

I firmly disagree, but this is largely a matter of taste and you are entitled to your opinion.

Death Proof and Planet Terror are works of modern art. I WILL FITE YOU