
omg. her drunk brain thought “conservation group” = “conservative group”

Hey Anna! Remember this? Looks like YOU’RE the idiot now! LOL

“...there’s a loophole for those arrested for incest involving someone under 12 years old.”
*record scratch* Say what now?

Maybe. But those are very different games. You can lump 64/Sunshine/Galaxy into a category that the others don’t really fit into. So maybe 3D isn’t the best term for it. Maybe it’d be third person non-side-scroller. But that’s too much to say.

but I’m saddened by the loss of dual screen functionality offered by the Wii U.

Those were fun but they’re not the same as a 3D Mario game.

YASSS. And it looked like an actual 3d Mario, not just another 3d Land/3d World game.

I never watch debates, so forgive any ignorance, but is too much stock being put into them and the results? You say that his sexual harassment was but a blip on that radar, but debates have to cover a lot of ground; they aren’t really a witch hunt against a particular candidate you don’t like. But Hillary’s campaign

And fine; if he’s not the biggest producer, he’s definitely up there. Publicly speaking out against him will undoubtedly throw the wet towel on any performer’s career. 

tl;dr: the ADA is not blanket protection for employees with substance abuse issues. There are exceptions that allow the employer to rightfully terminate the employee. Having only heard one side of the case, I have no idea if she was wrongfully terminated.

looks boring to me.

Although an employee’s status as an alcoholic or a recovering drug addict may merit protection under the ADA in certain circumstances, including when the employee is in rehabilitation and is no longer using, an employee or job applicant is not “a qualified individual with a disability” if he or she is “currently

Then that is what I, at least, hope for: the willingness for both sides to have a respectful open discussion about guns in this country - even if we don’t all speak in the same language. I am all about trying to understand perspectives other than mine. We might not agree, but if we can understand where each side is

Yep, I’m in the same boat as you. Pro-gun but believes we need a bit more logic in the rules.

Guns have a huge, huge purpose other than to kill: recreation. And that’s what they’re used for 99.999999% of the time, shooting paper and Coke cans. I don’t know how many thousands of rounds I’ve fired in my life, but I’ve only shot at living things (animals while legally hunting) twice.

The problem is that, in the McDonalds case, they were both the manufacturer of the coffee and the seller of the coffee. A gun manufacturer cannot (legally) sell directly to a consumer. A licensed dealer is required by law. That means someone who the ATF has investigated (

Sorry to be nit picky, but the McDonald’s coffee thing is a pet peeve of mine. The case was badly reported in the media, the issue wasn’t that there was no warning about the coffee being hot. It was a defective product lawsuit, because some idiot at McDonald’s turned the heat up until it was literally scalding hot.

That’s pretty much it. The M-16 allows for forms of automatic fire without illegal modifications. It’s a bit different in that it has a setup that allows that but the most visible difference is the firing selector.

I’m just gonna say in response to the first letter that I kind of just wish that letter wasn’t taken for this column. No disrespect to anyone involved mind you.

I like the part where you manage to turn the story about a venture-capitalist-scamming free-marketeer Silicon-Valley hack-everything dotcom-bubbler hyping her way into billions of dollars of funding that very much needed to be allocated elsewhere into an allegory about Kids These Days and their Participation Trophies.