
I’d imagine they should just start making movies with all female casts instead of remaking movies with all female cast. Especially something (re)made so recently. You have to compare them because they are essentially the same.

This is apparently a common thing said about her because apparently the way she swims (her mechanics, stroke, etc...) are unique and closer in style to the way the top men swim than the top women swim. Not like “lol she’s a dude.”

yeah this is a real shitty take. Did you read the article at all? Even without reading the article, jumping to a conclusion like that is bullshit. Go to hell.

Why would you presume that the man murdered his family? Nobody has identified the guilty party, but every article I’ve read has mentioned the mother’s questionable mental health. It’s certainly happened before; see Andrea Yates

I’ll wait until the official statement.

Can't presume it's the husband. The local news here (general Philly area) seem to be alluding the the wife. Either way it's a tragedy.

Was it Mark and not Megan Short who wiped out the family? The article above says there's no information on who fired the shots.

You don’t have to like the results, but the hard metrics bear out the fact that a) women like the Olympics more than men b) women enjoy the emotional journey more than the actual result. If women wanted to just watch the races and nothing else, than NBC would give them that if that was what got ratings. TV executives

It’s so interesting how privilege dynamics and representation create two very different realities.

She told her son to bite the traffic cop, which he did. A 5 year old child.

HAD a bike rack.

True that, man. Trigger locks or those cable locks that go through the receiver. It’s really hard to be overly cautious when you’re talking kids and guns in the same house.

What the fuck are you talking about? Any one, of any color, who keeps a loaded shotgun in the house with a five year old, let alone let’s the kid sit in their lap with the loaded firearm, is a shitty parent and a bad gun owner. You don’t keep guns loaded with kids in the house! You keep the shotgun next to your bed

Umm yea that's a terrible idea, no one's life should be held to any different standard that's exactly what the entire basis for this issue is.. Overcompensating won't fix anything.

Yeah, this is a very different situation. And if they really did wait for that many hours, it sounds like they wanted it to come to a peaceful conclusion.

Also, the idea that John Lewis, who smeared Bernie by acting as though the fact that he personally didn’t see him march with MLK it didn’t happen, is above criticism is absurd. White people might be afraid to critize him (because other white people will call them racist), but I’m black, and I’m not. A person can do

Let me preempt my comment by saying I love Samantha Bee’s show, and I also find the folks who supported Sanders but are now voting Trump exasperatingly stupid as well, and I am by no means a bernie-bro (although I did vote for him in the primaries).

Jon Stewart would never do a bit like this because he had a sense of empathy and a basic respect for humanity. It’s why he never seemed to be punching down — even when he brutally took people to task. He always made sure he was making fun of people for the right reasons.

No opinion on this movie, or hollywood trends in general, but I wish I could give you more stars for the term “dickwashing”.

I’m going Pokemon hunting. I have no idea what's going on.

The anti-Hillary tweet indeed sounds very infantile, poorly-thought out and just generally dumb. BUT —- how exactly is making fun of someone’s laugh “sexist”? Particularly if that someone is a high-profile politician? I’m asking out of geniune curiousity, not a troll-quest.