Yeah, that’s a bad move. I mean some kind of golden parachute was inevitable, but one in the campaign? Really?
Yeah, that’s a bad move. I mean some kind of golden parachute was inevitable, but one in the campaign? Really?
The only way JLo isn’t an upgrade from Taylor Swift is if you’re a complete white supremacist.
You are aware that Mexicans absolutely adore Speedy Gonzalez, aren’t you?
Speedy was a hispanic hero for kids that felt they were not represented in cartoons. He’s heavily celebrated in those countries. The only people with a problem with speedy are white people trying to feel offended in their behalf ( because as usual they feel they know better than the minorities what the minorities…
Actually, my previous snarky comment aside, I was thinking about this over lunch and what really rubs me the wrong way about the typical homeschooling advocacy I hear — this piece emphatically included — is that most of what they present as “education” is stuff that my parents did with little baby…
The term “homeschooling” often conjures up images of Christian conservatives isolating their ten children from the secular education found in public schools, teaching “traditional values” at the kitchen table.
“Homeschooling doesn’t *make* one socially awkward. You either are or you’re not”
This is not even close to accurate. There isn’t an innate unchangable level of social awkwardness. Kids end up socially awkward because they don’t get the experience necessary to learn how to navigate social interactions with peers. For…
Counterpoint: If you homeschool your kid you are not a normal parent.
Sorry, if you homeschool your child, you aren’t a “normal parent.”
I’m not receptive to this idea because whether schooling works for parents isn’t the point. The point is to educate children. And given the relatively short shrift paid to what her children get out of this arraignment (they socialize fine! If they dont want to be inside, they don't have to be!) I think the focus is in…
A bunch of supervised field trips to various museums and nature trails with a bunch of clingy moms around isn’t remotely the same in terms of developing social skills as actually being largely on your own with your peers every day and having to learn to form and maintain social relationships. Which is why so many…
I try really hard not to criticize how other people parent their children... Co-sleep or cry it out, natural birth or c-section, attachment parenting or au pair, working mom or stay at home, I won’t weigh in on another parents decisions in any of those areas.
A normal parent’s guide to homeschooling: Don’t.
I could never homeschool because my kids aren’t named Rain and Skye, I prefer to vaccinate them, they have had haircuts before the age of 5, none of them have a strange food allergy and, quite frankly, both of us parents have to work.
This saddens me. Now there is literally no way he’ll see the inside of a jail cell.
oy. I was on board until this.
The right to vote includes the right to not vote.
Every election is a “do or die” election.