In fairness, have you seen that tiny rhombus of a field that NYCFC plays on at Yankee Stadium?
In fairness, have you seen that tiny rhombus of a field that NYCFC plays on at Yankee Stadium?
Lol wait.. so because they are well treated, its ok to torture them to death in a fucking arena?
I think he might've been joking?
Because that's all that matters is your narrative right you sick twisted fuck?
You are a typical dumb liberal piece of shit.
You are the problem.
Dear 2016,
I don’t know why I am surprised or get worked up about the comment section here anymore but man, oh man, it gets me sometimes.
Or, lying under oath (Bill) and extreme carelessness with Top Secret documents. (Hill)
So, the world’s collection of automotive designers have now failed for 50 years to make a more beautiful car. :)
“You were completely reckless with sensitive government information in flagrant violation of the rules. But that took courage, for some reason. Therefore, FIFTY POINTS TO GRIFFINDOR!!!”
I guess punching a producer doesn’t seem so bad now, does it?
Bertuccis does it, or used to - kind of an alternative to crayons and a placemat. I remember my 3 year old niece looking up sadly at us and saying “I don’t like this kind of pizza.” Poor thing thought it was her meal. Once we told her she could smack it around like play-doh she was happy.
I think it’s more of a case-by-case situation. I see nothing wrong with kids that get A’s all thru High School and are in the Honor clubs etc getting a brand new whip from their parents. Just because they weren't working at a job doesn't mean they weren't working hard. It's one thing when the kid is an asshole, it's…
Yea, I agree it’s cultural. It’s probably considered that you’re not a real man providing for your family until you have kids and throw out a six figure sum at their first home.
Yeah, Tampa Bay has always been known as a hockey town. And who would want to go to a perennial powerhouse like the Red Wings anyway?
I wouldn’t use the argument as a reason to ban anything, rather it is a counterpoint to a common argument made against gun regulation. A lot of people who oppose gun regulation invoke the ‘responsible gun owner’ as they put their point forward.
Yeah, fuck the guy whose wife murdered his children just to spite him. He’s probably an asshole and not deserving at all of any sympathy.