
Nope, not just you. This is simply weapons-grade horrible. Also, kinda weird how proud the writer sounds about the whole thing. Apparently karma decided the commentariat needed a reminder that everyone can be a shithead regardless of plumbing. I seriously hope these kids have grown the fuck up in the last nine years.

Yep. I particularly enjoyed the girl who casually admitted to drunkenly beating up her boyfriend, and her only concern was how she could stop feeling bad about it.

Seriously, this popped up on the “You may also like” sidebar for some reason, and I cannot tell if I’m missing a joke or if this is really a Jezebel “It’s fun to hit your partner” post. Am I in bizarro world?

It is bananas that this post, in this tone specifically, exists.

Ugh. The only thing uglier than that kitchen is any of Dorothy’s tunics. I accept my fate: you may kill me. I don’t think I could even stand to be on the lanai.

Lil’ bit, sure.

Are you sure you don’t want to eat cheesecake instead?

Women are arrested for human trafficking regularly. A friend of mine in NOLA is an advocate and posts articles on it all the time. It’s pretty horrifying.

Waiting for evidence is for suckers without Masters degrees in Journalism from Columbia.

If you have crappy shows like SATC or all the Shonda Rhimes dreck, you get crappy ratings, when you have good shows with one or more strong female leads, like Jessica Jones or OITNB, the difference between the average male vote and the average female vote is a lot smaller, pretty much like the average male/female

Well, with a big enough wrench, you can loose a lot of things. Sucks if you lose that wrench though.

No Sanders supporter owes Clinton their vote. The onus is on her to earn those votes, and if she can’t, then she’s flawed, not the voters.

The pay disparity is a real thing, even/especially in Hollywood, but... in season 1, Kevin Spacey was definitely the heavy lifter plot-wise, appearing in more scenes (i.e. working more days), and also was definitely the bigger star than Robin Wright.

Does it honestly not bother you that Bernie supporters are sending death threats to a woman who, as far as I can tell, was just doing her job?

Oh come on. His politics, his stances, his entire life condemns this kind of bullshit. It should be more than obvious that this is counter to everything he stands for.

No, this story is about the fact that you are actively misrepresenting what happened, and perpetuating a narrative that has been discredited. It is NOT about uncovering the truth of what happened.

I’m sorry, I have to say something. I’m a Bernie supporter, and a longtime Jezebel reader, AND I was there in the room. I shot some videos that have been aired on major networks, and I actually have a relatively neutral perspective. Could you please interview me for an alternate view of what happened, instead of just

It doesn’t actually talk about how she died. It says she had a hidden heart condition. It’s the defendant’s lawyer who makes those crazy ass claims about “consensual fighting” and how beating someone about the face and torso isn’t actually blunt force trauma, which, no, wrong. She died because of the fight for sure.

Well, now, wait a minute. This statement is from the defendant’s attorney, and it’s all sorts of weirdness. The other girls repeatedly hit her in the head and torso. The defensive attorney even used the phrase “consensual” when referring to a fight. No no. That’s not a word you can use for that. Then, he said it was

I find that entire exercise misguided. The corollary to it is that people cannot be racist, only systems, structures and paradigms etc can.