
If you want all-male clubs to admit women, then all-female clubs have to follow the same rules and be willing to admit men. I say this as a black woman who understands the need for minority groups to have their own spaces and who also understands that all-male, all white clubs have traditionally provided networking

She’s misgendered in the article.

The president of Harvard, Drew Faust, is a woman.

“Although Game of Thrones is dragging out the resolution, presumably so it’s first revealed to Jon rather than Bran...”

basically, a sizable portion of the fanbase (including me) would like them to make a current day shooter again. They are so far into sci fi at this point, that to alot of people, it’s time to go back to just “run and gun shooting” rather than “I have a jet pack OMFG three dimensions so cool!!”


Who’s to say that he would be taking on an incendiary tone?

I learned a new word today. I always have just heard it called fistbump.

What the fuck? Hook is one of the most joyful movies I’ve ever seen. I wish there were more movies like Hook. I love this movie.

Hook is a perfect movie. Anyone who disagrees can fight me and lose.

Oh god that movie is my childhood. Fucking adore that movie and everything about it.

I came here to say this same thing... there is nothing joyless about Hook. It still holds up and is played all. the. time. on TV. I’m here with you... in the place between sleep and awake, where dreams come from. That’s where I’ll be waiting....

You are unequivocally wrong. Hook FILLED me with JOY! It is JOY FUL!

Nope. I refuse to go back and re-read that. Because “Hook” is wonderful. So there.

So men are poor feminists if they don’t talk about feminism, and are also poor feminists if they do?

But when you don’t talk at all about being a feminist as a male celebrity, by either staying mum about it or outright refusing to answer questions about feminism, not only will you never be called ‘woke’ by the Jezebel writing staff, you will be suspected of being a misogynist.

What an elitist thing to say. We rent. We rent a house in a nice neighborhood with decent schools, and as is often the case, we pay more than a homeowner, as well as maintain the yard. Totally worth it when the economy takes a turn for the worst and it affects property values and interest rates. We don’t have to pay

This kind of thinking is just not fair. When 8 of the top 10 at my school were men, everyone vowed to the eliminate the “obvious” sexism that would result in 8/10 of the best of the best being men. Last year, when 9 of the 10 top ten were women, everyone praised how great women at my school are doing. Why can’t we

“I don’t like how you all are slandering my daughter’s name and making her look like she such a known criminal when she’s not such a known criminal. It doesn’t matter how many cars she stole.”
-Yashica Clemmons, the mother of Dominique Battle

Edit/ The fact that despite like 2 years of controversy, there is no demo available for people to test out the controls for themselves, is frankly dishonest and borderline offensive to me. They KNOW people are worried about it, they KNOW testers had issues with it all along, but still, they cannot be bothered to give