
Let’s be honest here. The goal of BernieOrBust is not to rally support to vote for some other candidate. It essentially functions as a message to show the DNC that they’ve lost nearly an entire generation of voters that no longer feel they are being represented. If Clinton and other DNC candidates at lower levels

I dunno, I think that turn-based battle systems don’t necessarily clash with top-notch graphics (granted, we’ve had very few turn-based JRPGs in the last couple generations... ><). Look at Lost Odyssey, for example. That game was real pretty when it came out, and even today is still a pretty good looking game.

The graphics of FF7 have aged poorly, absolutely. The gameplay has not, in my opinion. I think it still holds up today. As for FFXV... that is not at all fun for me, so that’s not something I will ever “accept”.

I disagree. I still, to this day, play games like that because they’re fun as hell. Turn-based RPG gameplay isn’t some relic that should be abandoned; it still works and it’s still great fun.

The game isn’t really all that janky. Really, the only two issues as far as gameplay goes that haven’t aged well are navigating menus to turn on and off the iron boots in the Water Temple (which was fixed in the 3DS version) and Epona being incredibly picky about jumping fences.

Have YOU played it recently? Ocarina of Time still plays like a dream. Even the 3DS version is extremely playable. This isn’t PS1 Tomb Raider we’re talking about.

Ocarina of Time still plays incredibly well. There’s absolutely no “jank” and Nintendo knew exactly what they were doing start to finish. Have you played it recently?

I agree that the gameplay in FF7 still holds up today, but then again look at what Square is doing with the remake of that. I’m quite content to never see a remake of Ocarina of Time, I learned my lesson that remakes of classic games are a “be careful what you wish for” situation.

Except the gameplay in 7 is perfectly fine. Same with plenty of games that have aged well. Its visuals are obviously debateable. No ones saying they look good but its whether you care enough that it bothers you.

What a bullshit question. There is a wealth of women in politics with the experience to be leaders besides Clinton. But you specifically want “experience at war”. Welp, our hands our tied.

I think a major issue here is that a big sticking point in the pro-Hillary camp is her “foreign policy experience,” yet, as an anti-war progressive, I’m looking for people who’s idea of foreign policy isn’t a broken record of regime change and US intervention. As we’ve seen with Libya, Honduras, the drone wars in

Tammy Duckworth

How about you just accept that having an ethical president with good judgment is more important than having a female president? If there are no candidates in the pipeline (which I don’t accept) lets address that. But don’t use “Hillary is our only shot” as a step up to the bully pulpit.

Remind me again why she’s not hosting the daily show instead of the hack who we’re stuck with?

It wasn’t so bad when the game first came out, you could deconstruct most of your loot to save up for HE Blueprints at the BoO but now with the crafting cost increases, you gotta spend more time building materials.

ASAP buy the MP5-N blueprint and the BM AK from the Special Gear Vendor in the boo. That will let you

That’s where it starts, just like how the first few PS4 games were also available on the PS3, just less pretty. Then devs will start disabling features when run on the original PS4 (like the PS3 Dragon Age 3, Shadows of Mordor...).

Yea and you still need to optimize for each version.

Ha, hahahaha.

Most AAA games have enough issues at launch can you imagine the extra burden devs now have to put out two working versions? Imagine if ms does the same thing so now we have possibly 4 versions plus the pc version and hell maybe even nx versions? It just feels like whatever platform is the lowest priority is going to

I don’t know.