
It’s a good point, but I do think there is still some valid meaning to the word. It’s not specific, but the word “establishment” does line up with some of what makes me wary of Hillary. She’s a politician: she panders, she takes lobbyist money, she makes backroom deals.


I wish it were that simple and ‘general’ but from the video evidence it was whole joke ideas completely lifted. Especially that ‘slap chef’ thing.

I’m pretty sure it was less about the subject matter and more about the actual lines of the jokes :)

this is kind of besides the point of the article, but I don’t think a 19 year old (or really...anyone) should spend that much money on what is basically an accessory. it’s not my money, it’s their business, etc, but it just doesn’t seem like a wise financial decision. but then our entire consumer driven society makes

I am sure he knows racism is a thing. I think he experienced it first hand with someone he cares for and that shook him. We whites do not know or understand racism. We are too brainwashed by society. we grew up in a world where white is everywhere and white is power. Seeing something is wrong and experiencing it are

as a black woman, i give him kudos for speaking up. from what i’ve read of his background, he grew up in a rural community which might not have any people of color (he once wrote about having to drive an hour to the nearest store). so he has lived in a white bubble and has now emerged. i don’t blame him for his late

Isn’t it a good thing if someone who was previously clueless becomes aware, and gives a damn?

This is exactly the issue I have with today’s so-called “outrage culture”. Let’s praise people for opening their eyes, recruit more to the cause. Let’s stop throwing out the baby with the bath water.

Of course he deserves it, because HOW DARE A 23-YEAR-OLD STILL BE LEARNING ABOUT LIFE AND THE WORLD, amiright?

Personally, I don’t think attacking the kid will help anyone, but damn if it doesn’t seem to be the first thing the internet does when someone reveals that they aren’t all knowing.

He knows NOW.

It feels like a barrier to progress. If we’re going to crucify folks for recognizing there is a problem when before they didn't know, what is the correct thing to do? Knowing since birth? It is an absolute privilege to never have to consider the ramifications of racism— punishing those who see it for the first time

That’s true of just...SO many things. If you want to change minds and perspectives, derision and mockery toward those who are maybe just now kinda coming around to understanding your POV is suuuuuuuper counter-productive.

Seriously. I want to know how many of the people jumping on him are actual people of color versus how many are grandstanding whites who want to out-ally an obvious ally.

This is a rare feeling for me, but does he really deserve this level of vitriol? Like I get it, his tweets were incredibly naive and definitely speak to the cloud of privilege he must have lived in his entire life, but also the fact that he was disturbed by what he saw suggests to me that he has at least a shred of

Eh, I don’t get what the snark is about? I thought his response was pretty strong and didn’t make it all about him.

The water coming from the plant is fine, if you’re so interested in playing journalist. But then again that’s been widely reported since early on, so I’m not sure where you’re concluding that the Flint River is causing the problem. Hell... it’s in the pictures you posted in your own article! It’s the pipes. It’s

I know, right?

Listen here Noble Renard you keep your parent child role playing of off Kinja and I won’t have to kink shame you!

She’s 14. Calm your tits.