
I completely respect it. I’m not one for gunsports myself, but I have gone to the range a few times with my dad. He instilled the fear of gawd in me about firearms from a young age, and how dangerous they are and how you need to be supremely careful. My dad is a responsible gun owner, who simply just likes to go out

This is a problem:

Seriously, women need to fuck off on this one. Pick another hill to die on. We do not sit with our thighs/knees together, it applies uncomfortable/painful pressure to our balls. Our shoulders are already wide enough that you are not going to have access any space saved by having our legs closer together. Stop busting

Unless he’s literally doing the Republican tactic of “pass the bill dismantling the current system now, pass the bill building a new one later”, I don’t think he’s jeopardizing anything. He has a plan for a new healthcare system. It would, in the process of its enactment, render the old one obsolete. That does not

No, the Dems caved to GOP opposition and that’s why we don’t have single-payer healthcare. The Dems kept trying to get the GOP on board, and it never worked, and only hampers the reforms’ effectiveness.

Goddamn it. I seriously do not want to vote for her. Like everything is telling me she is TERRIBLE. Horrible. No good.

Like all 5 viewers who quit watching will be missed.

I like Ricky Gervais and his humor. And honestly, all the hate and outrage he gets here on this site just makes me shake my head.

You do you.

Top five game of all time. I think it's often underrated how flawless that game really is.

Seriously...sometimes the articles here are interesting and intelligent...and sometimes they’re basically a “stupid angry leftist” parody.

It only takes two things to set off a jez writer: white and male

I’m confused. Are you upset that they wrote this after having someone made up an elaborate, fabricated story that had implications on the reputations of everyone involved? Because as far as I can tell, what they wrote is true. There are no facts to conclude at this point that she was a victim. That doesn’t mean facts

Not being a dick, or intentionally dense with my question. But do you believe someone who accuses a person of rape, should automatically be presumed to be telling the truth, or all judgement reserved until all the facts have been gathered?


No, “women” as a whole are neither better at nor worse at anything than men are, but each of us has our own individual strengths or weaknesses (GASP I KNOW).

I don’t know. He means well, and he’s right about women not being given enough opportunities, but I think saying that women are naturally better at something is dumb, and we should reject that sort of statement because it will bite us in the ass when people try to flip it and argue that men are naturally better at

I couldn’t care less about an Xbox Controller, but my basis for that assumption is umpteen articles like these since the OR was announced years ago:

That’s one I’ve never been asked!

I’m from a big gun-owning family and have grown up around them: shooting, hunting etc. I think REAL responsible gun owners who actually know what the fuck they’re doing will tell you that no one needs an assault rifle and that yes, there should be background checks. Anyone who disagrees is projecting major Freudian