
I've been watching TDS since Kilborn too. I've seen it change and become the show it is today. And Noah strikes me less Jon and more Craig. And I don't want that. I don't want the show to go back to what it used to be. (And you just made me realize just now that Noah is less Stewart and more Kilborn. *shudder*

BOOOOOOOO! And I don't mean Booooooo-urnnnns.

I'm not quite sure I understand the logic in what amounts to punishing her current boyfriend(?) just because her previous boyfriends were terrible lovers. It seems like she's just taking sex without giving anything in return.

IMO, if we all were so petty as to take our previous frustrations and inadequacies out on

I decided in my twenties that I did not date dudes who wouldn't go down.

Kind of interesting that we have to deal with the "rejected males." Why are males always the ones who have to be rejected? I would just like to hear more stories of women who were rejected by men and how they handled it.

Whenever someone tries to say a trans-excluding radical feminist isn't a "real feminist" I get angry. Yeah they ARE a feminist, they're just a SHITTY feminist. Sarah Palin can call herself a feminist and I won't argue with that point, the point I will fight on is that she's a shitty one.

and the fact that you're so incomprehnsibly picky about 'allies' (i appreciate you may not want Hitler to endorse your position) may smack of privilege in of itself. Iget women dont have parity with men in lot of facets o life and some if not a lot of this is institutionalised, and this has been noted. was

It was that kind of attitude that pushed away male friends who supported equality and feminism back when I was in High School. And myself, actually. Took me years to go from "I'm a woman, I support equal rights for all, but I'm not a feminist [due to overwhelmingly negative experiences in high school with a friend who

It is these people, the imperfect allies, who are in the position to turn the tide for everyone. It is actually their imperfection that makes this change possible.

Whatever your definition of a "ideal feminist" is, in social change, their role is to embody the ideal. The allies who don't quite agree with that ideal

Which he fully acknowledges in his special. Repeatedly. He fully acknowledges that he doesn't know what it's like to be a woman. He devotes a ton of the time in his special to feminism and to women in general. He never asked for a free pass on anything because he didn't do anything wrong. He asks that instead of

Wow. What a disincentive to be an ally.

I get what you're saying about people who are generally on feminism's side not being beyond reproach, but this "true ally" shit has got to stop. I am telling you, as a guy, even when we understand there are problems and treating women equally is the only reasonable way to behave, it takes a long-ass time to really

Yeah, sure. Aziz Ansari is in the PRIVILEGED GROUP! Growing up a skinny little Indian kid in South Carolina must have been a breeze. I'm sure he coasted along on nothing but privilege as the white male patriarchy embraced him. Yes, I'm being sarcastic. You are the problem.

Is that etched onto a stone tablet at the top of a mountain somewhere? Did someone make that law and I missed it? Anyone who believes in gender equality is a feminist in my book, and no one owns the term. And by the way, if it is suddenly "trendy", you do realize that's a good thing, right? I mean, I understand

Gawd, I knew I would find this in the comments. The fact that it's feminists who are criticizing him the most proves that, once again, feminists are feminism's worst enemies. We say we want allies but I guess by "allies", we mean "silent masochistic punching bags". It's kinda sad when you're just as disgusted by the

Per the New York Times article:

Girl, I will drink ALL the nice whiskey with you! In this house we try everything from Four Roses to Pappy. Also now I'm making my own bitters so that it can be fancy cocktail hour all the time.

There are lots of us out here, don't you worry. My boyfriend is very squarely in the non-whiskey camp, so I save whiskey time for playdates with my BFF. We set aside specific evenings just for scotch and Doritos. I highly recommend it. But it has to be Nacho Cheesier Doritos, Cool Ranch does NOT mix well with
