
Personally, I don't like forcing content creators to change their vision to meet quotas and I don't want games to get negative press or whatever for not meeting those quotas. If someone's vision of their game is an all male/female band of space pirates and their wacky adventure through the galaxy than they shouldn't

I don't think the problem is with people being upset about more equality in games, I think it's a duality of people honestly don't care one way or another, and are irritated by the attention being put to these topics, and of companies not wanting to take the risk. Everyone knows sex sells, everyone knows sequels sell,

The problem is some group will always complain. Lets say COD makes 50% of the female enemies and 50% of you companions female, and gave you 2 choices of people to play as, a male main character or a female main character. Well trans groups would complain that there is no trans main characters an alienates them.

Except he didn't question her 'gamer cred'. He just said she doesn't understand her own argument or video games.

People like me? You mean someone who sees the points she's trying to make, has made little to no comments on the situation until this point, and sees the value in game development and design that appeals to a broader range of demographics and is less insular? At this point she's viewed as a toxic figure by a lot of

The fact that this has any stars at all is so deeply and profoundly concerning to me.

So....I think what she said wasn't really the best thing ever. Inappropriate, maybe a little tone deaf? But I will agree with you that the discourse about it here at Jez is crude and extremely unproductive. Almost gleeful in its outrage and malice. Also, please see: the abusive comments hurled at you in this thread.

The latter. About how, like you mention, people are picking apart the words to her feminist speech that somehow wasn't good enough or was wrong.

You're either not feminist enough, or too feminist, or the wrong kind of feminist, or a confused feminist etc. etc. etc.

Feminists should probably stop talking about feminism in the public eye until everyone can agree what feminism we should all be fighting for.

As I've said: So what if someone means well but doesn't quite articulate her idea as well as she might when the entire world is watching? Gotta find outrage somewhere.

First of all calling her a bitch makes you sound ignorant. Don't do that.

Prepare for the influx of dude-defence that will come from a large series of people who would be shitting themselves in anger if this happened to a male veteran.

Billy Madison.


I live in Washington state, where six of the nine Supreme Court justices are women.

That is technically true though. Equality isn't domination. Just because someone was bias in the past, doesn't make it legit or magically make up for bias in the future.

If everything was truely equal then the statistical likelihood of there being 9 women in a 9 person court is relatively low, and you shouldn't push

Honest question: what would you like to see online dating sites do better for women? I have no stakes in this since I find online dating awkward regardless of the site and I think that dating whether online or IRL means you will have to reject a lot of losers in order to get to the men worth dating, so I'm not

I see what you're saying, but I'm pretty sure what these comments mean when they refer to men "saying they're feminists" is when they're super strident and braggy about it. (ya'll feel free to jump in if I'm mischaracterizing.)

This is also my experience. I know many good men who might not read bell hooks, but who practice active consent, respect boundaries, and listen more than they speak when women are discussing their experiences. The guy that walks in yelling about his reading list and his personal practices is the guy that I do not