
Why do you think that comparing the overall percentage of black-americans in the US to the percentage of black academy award nominees is an appropriate measure?

The video has over six million views (i.e., it's popular); it deals with the Superbowl (i.e., it's topical for today); the piece needed some kind of a critical feminist theory angle, and no one in the video does or says anything explicitly misogynist or unenlightened... and so with a little mental gymnastics and

4chan is a horrible place, period.

Thanks for posting this!

I think you're a bit mistaken as to how the Republic works. Our society allows for discrimination in many forms: the Overweight cannot be flight attendants, "ugly" cis-gender girls cannot be pro-team cheerleaders, etc., etc. The Law does NOT force equality for equality's sake, but rather provide for the opportunity

So I've already said something deep in a comment thread but I know many people don't read into the threads.

This is not a "male tears" kind of case. This is a case that is GOOD for women because it forces into the light the hiring of conventionally attractive women as window dressing to draw in customers. From breastaurants to apparently this chain of Ruby Tuesdays, I wish more (men/unconventionally attractive women/other

And here's what you're not understanding. Despite the extreme number of people who've beaten it, no one has gotten it. Not, one guy who's been farming it hasn't gotten it. No one. Your weapon? Probably dropped for someone during that time you tried to farm it. In this case, the drop...hasn't seemed to drop for

Oh you're free to express yourself, you just not free from repercussions of said expression or action.

The generalization lies in the lazy snipe Luke took at people from the American South, which pretty much undermines the entire point of the article. "Oh, of course they're intolerant; they're from Alabama." Might as well throw in an incest joke.

Others are from Alabama.

I feel like the new expansion, while fun, added a little too much random chance... any thoughts? (qualification: I still play like, 25 hours a day)

So, we're now making fun of 11 year old boys crying, because "real boys" don't cry, right? A group of girls, getting coached by a guy with semi-pro coaching experience beats a few boy's teams and instead of congratulating them, you make this about male tears, the males being little boys themselves. Way to uphold the

A movie about men teaching women something would be denounced as MANSPLAINING. And yet somehow, a movie about a man learning from women is also bad.

Although there's a field of five in the directing and writing categories, and a field of 9 for Best Picture, there are three real contenders for the best film this year: "Boyhood," "Birdman" and "Grand Budapest Hotel."

"It's an interesting reminder that the red carpet gauntlet is seemingly designed to reduce women to fabric, jewelry, and manicures."

The entire point of the red carpet is to see who's there and what their wearing. The undergarment questions on the the other hand are over the line and invasive. No one needs to know if she was wearing undergarments because it adds nothing to her role. If she volunteers that information on her own, then its up for

I was really disappointed when The Hobbit: BotFA didn't get an Oscar nomination for best animated film...

I'm waiting for the multiple thinkpieces from Jezebel on gendered violence and power structures and the blatant miscarriage of justice. Oh wait, the abuser was a woman. That is fine, then.

nobody can, the wii u can't send the signal from the tv to the gamepad with so much distance