
I think that's a great point. It's important to clarify what an "allegation of rape unreported to police" does and does not mean. The key word is "allegation." It does not mean that a rape definitively occurred, and no one reported it. It means a person made an allegation of rape to some people, not including the

Agreed that the 2% figure may be wrong, but I would not go so far as it say it has been debunked. The rate probably varies from place-to-place and through time, so there's probably not a universally true rate out there. But 2% is where a few different studies converge. In any case, I accept that it may be off. My

Agreed. All things being equal. Faced with an allegation, I think it's worse to say "the accuser is lying" versus "the accused is guilty," but that's not a choice we have to make. There is the option to remain sympathetic but reserve judgment until facts emerge, and when they do, consider those facts thoughtfully.

God I really hope you don't spend all day fielding flak for your perfectly reasonable comment.

It's not about enjoying stats. It's about not manipulating them. The point is that you don't need the 2% number to make your point so don't bring it into a discussion where it's not relevant. It just makes it easier for people to discredit you.

I agree that most allegations are probably true. But whether we like it or not, some allegations are false. We don't know exactly how many allegations unreported to police are false, my guess is some percent greater than 2%. Whatever that figure, it does happen occasionally, as it looks like it happened here.

This was a great comment until your inexplicable last incomplete sentence. Some of us like science and math too. It's OK to just agree with people without making a douchey jab at people who want gender equality. I promise.

Are you mad about something? I'm here to make and discuss a serious point, not go back and forth with angsty personal attacks. So feel free to continue, but I'm not going to respond any more to you.

I'm not sure you know how statistics work, but you're describing the exception fallacy. We know that a small subset of rapes that occur (those brought to the police) have a 2% rate of false report. You're generalizing that statistic to apply to all rapes. You can't do that because there are many factors that may be

Well that's an oddly combative post. I'm not going to attach my CV to a Jezebel post, but rest assured that I do know "how statistics work." My point: those of us who accept the two percent figure for false allegations of rape reported to police (you're free to reject that figure if you wish, but keep in mind that

Oh I didn't think you were suggesting that we should disbelieve more unreported rapes. I meant that we do have a tendency to generalize statistics and accept them as fact even in situations where they don't necessarily apply. It's more the science in me begrudgingly acknowledging that, you're right, we have no idea

I actually don't think that many reports of rape are false, regardless of the audience. I'm only saying that we don't have reliable statistics on the veracity of rape allegations unreported to police, so perhaps there is value in reserving judgment until more facts come out. There was a knee-jerk reaction here where

I hate what all of that implies but, statistics wise, you make a really important point.

Something to keep in mind. Approximately two percent of rape allegations made to police are false, according to various studies, including those cited by the U.S. Department of Justice. It's unknown what percent of rape allegations never reported to police, such as Jackie's, are false. That figure is not the

Didn't believe in vaccinations. Ended it right there.

I would say that the Transformers themselves were the center of the marketing push. I don't remember hearing anyone call it "the new Megan Fox movie" or "the new Megan Fox's ass movie".

I didn't see Alice In Wonderland, so, I have no idea about actual screen time. At the time it came out, I remember thinking it's

This is the probably the most intelligent, nuanced and well thought out explanation about how to and when it's appropriate to kick a guys in the balls.

Except this kangaroo failed the first rule of ball kicking. Being offered a delicious sandwich is not a reason to kick someone in the balls.

As I understand, that's what Halo was doing. It would detect what direction you pushed when you were told to look up and be like "woah, this person's a total jerk, 'cause they like inverted controls," or "ah, a normal person who uses good controls."

I can tell you definitively that the assets do not, in fact, exist to make this game widescreen. The assets that do exist they are tweaking to make them HD but in order to make the game natively widescreen they'd have to do completely new renders of every single background and probably even change around a few areas