
Seems like new Dems are throwing their hats in the ring daily at this point. Harris seems to have a lot of bad baggage. I think we’ll be ok to call her out on it.

I’m really hoping she ends up running. I’d be happy to vote for her

Isn’t “black person as white savior” just the “magical negro” trope?

I mean theres literally a person raging in bolded caps in the comments here about how her wearing a dress ruined the movie. 

As we know from rogue one, leia was on that ship, and she was in the white gown she was captured in.

Wouldn’t that make him an expert on the subject, though?

A venn diagram of people with face tattoos and People who are decent people is just two separate circles.

I think its also important to point out that blizzard is not making a mobile diablo game. Blizzard is loaning out their artists to a company that only makes super pay to win mobile games.

“It takes decades of training to be decent in MMA. Then you have to gain experience which is more years.”

Given his age, it would probably be the beans, not the frank, yeah?


I came here with the same question. I need to know the logistics of this.

For the past few months ive seen a steady stream of people talking about how its going to suck that casey will be presenting the oscar for best actress.

Mannn this is a neat trick and im not gonna get on the whole UGH YOU’RE PLAYING THE GAME WRONG train but damn darker side is one of the rewarding video game experiences ive ever done, and i haven’t even beat it yet.

“That’s a pretty terriblerue accusation”

“And no one bother sitting down with Susan Collins or Paul Ryan to hash out a deal to fix and fund Obamacare.”

That movie still most likely lost money then.

por que no los dos?