
I’m curious if you watched the hearing today?

Yeah, i’m not really sure how to handle that part of it...Its a situation there really isn’t a good solution for :(

Unfortunately, it serves a purpose.


I think you meant “CRIKEY!”

You realize that you can be racist without causing physical harm to someone right?

Its not about stomping new players for fun, its about making sure the game is determined by skill and not luck. Whether you like it or not, the game has and is largely supported by its competitive scene, and for that to exist at all, the game needs to absolutely minimize the odds of an unskilled player just lucking

“Makes the game a LOT more fun when anyone, even someone playing for the first time, can win.”

“This guy obviously didn’t play when faeries dominated the format “

Are you forgetting the part where ulamog nukes 2 permanents when you cast it? If you’re on the draw, you’re on 3 lands and they’re on 4. If he nukes 2 lands you’re sitting at best at 2 mana the turn after he comes in to play. Good luck playing a sweeper that exiles with 2 mana.

So i get that but the “when i played” you just described was 20+ years ago...

what uh...what does that have to do with anything?

This all seems like a pretty fair response? We don’t have any evidence that he would even be good at doing some sort of political humor/commentary. Its hard for me to fault someone when all they’re saying is “look I just want to do my style of comedy” on their own show.

This honestly has nothing to do with men? I’ve been following this because hearing the people supporting the show complain about “snowflakes” and such getting their show canceled is great schadenfreude, and its your typical conservative base that is angry. For every dude in torn jorts and a stained tank top holding a

that counts as racist these days?

How in the hell is “kreigerismyspiritanimal”, a reference to a cartoon character, a racist username?

“and once there is a special prosecutor there is no telling what direction they’ll go. “

“Having playable versions without major problems weeks or even months before the official release date puts a huge burden on the dev team” 

Having a GPU and having a dedicated video card are not the same thing.