I’ve got 1500 ish hours put into everquest just on steam, over the last 2 years or so, and i wouldn’t recommend it to anyone...
I’ve got 1500 ish hours put into everquest just on steam, over the last 2 years or so, and i wouldn’t recommend it to anyone...
“B.) That a lesser VR experience is something that people unfamiliar with VR don’t still get excited about”
You don’t get it. Its not that it can’t compete. Its that it cannot function in a way that will not give the users an instant headache.
I don’t think you realize how bad VR on the switch would be. Its not like it would just be kind of subpar, it would be 100% unplayable and people would get migraines/vomit from motion sickness due to running at probably 720p20fps
Try superhot VR. It totally changed my opinion on VR.
It does not have a dedicated video card. its the same kind of SoC found in cell phones/tablets(there are a few tablets out there with the same exact internals).
You realize VR needs to run at 60fps right? and the switch struggles to maintain 30?
It can’t. Also, the switch is only 720p, which i dont tihnk will work with VR either.
I dont even know if thats a half-windsor. Its certainly not symmetrical and ive never had one turn out like that before. Looks like a 4 in hand?
Uhhhhh pretty sure its spelled nucular...
I think this is what you’re looking for. Also, the white ladies eyes tell a STORY as the frames go on...
She is so amazing, is the highlight of every press briefing, and is doing such fantastic work during this epic shitstorm clusterfuck of a presidency. She is a national treasure.
You mean the worst halo game on the xbox?
edit: wait. i may have missed a season?!
*edit* i somehow forgot about season 4. ignore this.
Nintendo also wouldn’t say “oh that product out there on the shelves with all the games is dead pls don’t buy it anymore.”.
I’m not...is this a satire piece?
You were REALLY reaching on a lot of this.
“The Times once published an unintentionally humorous description of a Peter Ustinov documentary, noting that “highlights of his global tour include encounters with Nelson Mandela, an 800-year-old demigod and a dildo collector”.
I think you’re painting with too broad a brush.