
Oh that Tifa drawing triggers something in me alright ;)

Yeah but the magic online client is awful :(

Also magic lets you assign your blockers yourself. That, as well as what you mentioned, are the two things that kept me out of hearthstone.

Her eyes tell a wonderful story during all of those gifs.

I am no PR wizard or anything, but if you have to start your explanation with:

April Ryan is a fucking treasure and I look forward to her the most during every single press briefing.

I’m doing the exact opposite? I am saying that it specifically is not, and was not labeled as such.

I think its being overly generous to wait to make sure someone didn’t accidentally steal a truck and drive it into a building.

How is this not terrorism? They did not say “radical islamic terrorism”, they just said it was an act of terror. Driving a truck into a random building to kill people is an act of terror, full stop.

I always thought it was based on # of scholarships instead of # of programs? Because men have football, which gives out a ton of scholarships, women end up with more sports overall, like volleyball and field hockey.

Is this her leather special?!

Its almost as if there are WAY more factors in play than “women make 76 cents on the dollar!”. Just don’t get caught saying that around here.

“Its frustrating to see a game like ME:A have a metacritic score of 74, when the game I’m playing is objectively better than that.”

perm donation sounds like the 80s version of locks for love.

But the little girl could’ve put on the exact same style of cargo pants as her dad and been fine?

It seems we had similar upbringings, took similar paths, and have ended up in a pretty similar place, although I’m just turning 30 now.

brb i need to go home right now i think im in the process of ruining all my sweaters :(

Kattahn’s Top Tip to the dudes out there that are not holding it down as well as they should be(or the single dudes out there who live with a dirty place):