Except 50k jobs for 50k dollars would only be $1 a year...
Except 50k jobs for 50k dollars would only be $1 a year...
“And at the end of his first term when the country is irrevocably fucked he will just say “everything would have gone great if not for those two liberals left in the senate” and he’ll win re-election in a landslide.”
so how much did you spend on star citizen?
Prince and David Bowie can only die once though...
What stands out as even more fucked up is that we have 43 million households with a combined total wealth of less than $9.5 billion. That comes out to $220 per household on average.
Where did you find your boyfriend, savagesonly.com?
Dr. Ken is weird because they have a 29 year old playing a 15-16 year old girl...
I agree, but thats also my point: this isn’t just an attack on our sovereign state. If russian knows it can fuck with literally any other country and have no repercussions, what is to stop them from making moves on the rest of them? If the US is a target, then anyone else could easily be.
The CIA has rigged elections in like...third world dictatorships. Its a bit different to have a permanent member of the UN security council doing it to another permanent member.
I’m really happy to be part of an engineering fraternity that didn’t haze. The shit we saw/heard other fraternities do was sickening.
“this will ultimately change nothing and we have four years of Orange Is The Color Of Rage And Despair to look forward to.”
Hillary botched this question hard, and will forever be haunted by this soundbite i think:
“how Clinton won the popular vote by 2.8 million votes and lost by 100,000 in states that could have made her president has everything to do with what happened in Michigan. “
I never saw Sully, I just called it White Flight in my head and figured i knew the plot.
what about interrobangs?!
Not the one leading to magnetos prison...
*edit* I had misread the 12th amendment and this was incorrect 😒
“As it stands now, we have a President Elect who asked for Russia to hack into and attack his political opponents and they did that or him. “
This has been the call of the faithless electors so far: to cast votes for kasich(i think), so that the house has someone to select other then trump. The house gets to choose between the top 3 electoral vote getters, so as long as someone gets at least one, they’re eligible.