
“Not a lot of titles from that time really hold up... I’m sorry... Zelda oot? Garbage by today’s standards.”

Mario 64 is probably the best 3d platformer of all time and Ocarina of Time is probably the best Zelda of all time. Both still hold up wonderfully.

“I don’t think [this will impact how much content is in the next expansion],” he said. “Obviously, the expansion will come out later than if we decided to make less patch content and focus on the expansion. “


I’m not sure where you’re conflating that to “unusual”. The general consensus is that there really isn’t anything new, its just a rehashed worse version of blops 3.

This is all basically only regarding multiplayer. Drift0r, for example, said he will still play zombies, but outside of his indepth weapon analysis videos, he wont be doing any gameplay or actually playing the multiplayer.

All of them are talking about moving to other games. Drift0r i know has said he’ll continue to do the in-depth videos because thats why most people subscribed to his channel, but he wont be putting up normal game clips of him playing for fun.

I think every single major streamer ive seen so far has came out and said the game sucks. Drift0r, nadeshot, 402thunder. PrestigeIsKey, SSSniperWolf, Tiago Spartan Beast, MatMicMarseveral and others. easily 5m+ subscribers worth of streamers.

Not really. He doesn’t do strategy so much as breaks down the stats of every gun and perk in the game and lets you know how they work. Things like damage, shots per kill, time to kill, range bands, etc.. Its a super interesting and useful channel. Drift0r is great.

The sad part is i don’t think hes actually a troll. I know IRL bernie supporters like him, they really are this fucking insane about it.

Thats potentially the funniest accusation that has ever been laid on me. look at my fucking post history here

Give it a fucking rest man. I was a bernie supporter through the whole primary, voted for him, still support him and wish to god he’d made it through...

“According to the study, not only where women more prone to being overcharged by drivers starting the trip early or ending it after they’d already been dropped off,”

I guess I’m kind of confused with that banner of 3rd party supporters Nintendo showed, since L5 was on that list. That list now just appears to be “people who might at some point think about making a game for the switch”

i feel like everyone needs more risotto in their lives.

So the only thing i can guess is if these were emails sent TO her email when she had the private server, but were part of the deleted 33k, that would i guess make them relevant to the investigation?

in that case, what if paul ryan was DRIVING the bus that hit him? This could be his only shot of getting into the oval...

you realize if they impeach hillary, kaine becomes president? They can’t “steal” the presidency by impeaching someone. Its not like trump would get it if that happens.

“They aren’t going to go down without a fight”

This seems to be from the FBI, not the republicans. If anything the FBI has seemed to go out of their way to NOT try to take votes from hillary, or do anything damaging to her.