As a person who is considered a “hugger”, 1: no hugs at work not in this house not ever and 2: what the fuck, no you don’t ever back hug anyone ever. thats gross.
As a person who is considered a “hugger”, 1: no hugs at work not in this house not ever and 2: what the fuck, no you don’t ever back hug anyone ever. thats gross.
I think im in the super minority of people that legit enjoys hooters wings just as food, to the point where ive gotten carry out several times, and used to have my friend who worked there bring me wings when they got off work. The most annoying part of eating in that restaurant is when they feel like they have to…
IMO in that scenario the masturbator would have the forearm and grip strength to just pull himself up.
Trevor noah got a show with a big name and established audience. Its the only thing keeping him afloat. They will probably never cancel TDS but will probably end up replacing him at some point in the next few years.
“I bet that uppity bitch did it”
“Personally, I think extremely drunk people should refrain from sex. It is better to be cautious then to cause someone to feel violated.”
I agree with your first paragraph completely, drunk driving is not equivalent at all and a false equivalency.
“Still, it’s important to remember that men who had sex with drunk women knew that they were taking advantage of those women.”
Isn’t it great how much it matters to this person? They’re so caught up in their assumptions that they bookmarked all these responses so they could get their snarky comeback? Like...congrats, you jumped to a conclusion with no evidence, had a 50/50 shot of being right, and now you’re here to tell the world how…
“Sandra Bullock is still the biggest box office draw in the country”
“began reevaluating other all-female reboots, a group that also includes Fox’s The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.”
That worked out so well for Sylvester Stallone, didn’t it?
I wish they’d start being a bit more bold with these lady led movies. I feel like they’re setting the women up to fail. Everyone said YO HOLLYWOOD YOU NEED MORE WOMEN IN YOUR MOVIES, and they were like “ok fine but we can’t trust that they’ll sell anything on their own so we’re just gonna do some lazy slapdash reboots…
I still cannot fathom how that movie had such a high budget. The special effects were garbage and we know hollywood doesn’t pay actresses shit.
Her soup jokes were by far my favorite jokes, at least from the lady cast members. I feel like they wrote the best jokes for the guys(the dude giving the mansion tour and the dean of the dumpy college were standouts). This movies biggest failing seemed to be the writing/directing, which is a shame.
Please stop. as an italian, i can hear all the ignorant people who pronounce it that way in my head every time you type it.
This is Jezebel. You can ALWAYS presume everything is the husband, as long as its bad.
In the 4x100 they did several times cut to Phelps’s family and fiancee.
I wonder if deadpool is available...
So if you look into her traffic stop, she was driving without a license plate. She was one of those “sovereign citizen” types who doesn’t believe in laws and thinks police have no rights to do anything, so she had some cardboard license plate saying that cops have no authority over her and any who impede her freedom…