
“You don’t keep guns loaded with kids in the house! You keep the shotgun next to your bed and a handful of shells in your nightstand. You keep the revolver/handgun in the nightstand with a speed loaded clip/ magazine next to it. You keep the rifle in the closet with the shells next to it.”

The child in the well is also not pointing a gun back up saying “IM GONNA KILL YOU”

Hope they’re not going the volkswagen route with this claim.

This hollywood...dickwashing? has got to stop!

Honestly I think the system is broken further then that. I dont think the nearby list is relevant at all. I’ve had numerous times where I’ve had a snorlax or pinsir show up on the nearby list, so i hop on pokeradar and just blanket scan the entire area im in and don’t see the pokemon everywhere. I routinely see

“The one potential net-positive of all this negative publicity is that perhaps environmental officials can finally get the leverage to address the problem,”

“wasn’t actually so bad.”

I mean, hes got a net worth of ~$3m, so as long as he gets a decent money manager, hes set to be comfortable for the rest of his life at least

  • “One very intrepid Jill Stein supporter has called upon his followers to find email evidence of Jezebel accepting “money or talking points” from the DNC. Sounds like a fun project!”

The fact that you take that out of context line and immediately call it “sexual harassment.”, as well as your interesting interpretation(you’re sure its ‘very clear’ what was implied), I know that there really isn’t any hope having a sane, logical discussion with you about this, so I’m gonna just bow out.

“Getting her out now and directing ire her way should hopefully help it burn out and help convince reticient Bernie supporters that Clinton takes cleaning up the DNC seriously.”

“1) He thinks Pepe is a “French romantic hero” and not a total creep who doesn’t understand consent or boundaries?!?”

I once had a professor give us a practical exam in my adobe flash class. It was insanely long, no one finished, most people got Cs or worse. It was just a horrifically unfair exam. As I realized people were getting to the end and freaking out about not finishing, i just converted a DLL to the right file extension and

Its how i got through highschool. and college.

Public school: in elementary school: recess, middle school: recess and time between classes, plus bus rides to and from school, highschool: once i could drive, was early at school ~30 minutes where everyone would hang out in the common area before school started, and then again after school, when in sports, hanging

“The curricula she describes sound very squishy.”

With a title like “”A Normal Parents Guide To Homeschooling” and lines like “I left my job and the condescending gynecologist, had a natural birth, freelanced so I could stay home, co-slept and breastfed for two and a half years, and then repeated the process with baby number two and three.”, what on earth made you