Or when they like...want to go to college somewhere nice?
Or when they like...want to go to college somewhere nice?
And how will the kid figure out if they want to be a physicist or a biologist if they never experience either?
No don’t worry its fine they take a 5 hour nature class every week taught by a trained nature instructor.
This sounds like Lady Burn Notice...
She is just trying to prove that she has no talent at writing ANY genre of fiction.
“what, because hes blind they wont convict hi-...oh.
It gets even more interesting when you look in to when they intentionally lose money:
Yup! This is part of why the Warcraft movie was seen as such a bomb. A worldwide gross of ~$430m, but only ~$50m of that was from the US, so all in its going to lose $10-15m of its $160m budget, even though it sold almost half a billion in tickets.
Keep in mind regarding foreign markets, the studio keeping half is basically only in america. Overseas its more like 25%, so the global gross needs to be significantly more than double the budget, depending on what % comes from the states vs places like china.
Saw the movie, it was decent. Not good, not bad.
Oh I know, its just weird to me that every media outlet im seeing cover this just talks about him like a normal ass kid in school who is all sorts of woke.
This just comes off as way less sincere from a family that has their own website with bios and links to their IMDB pages.
You’re kind of making all the arguments for why many people push back against diversity based hiring practices.
A large motivation for ISIS attacking larger countries is fear. When ISIS attacks the west, it stirs up islamophobia in those countries, which they then use as recruitment tools. Their whole system runs on propaganda and recruitment, and convincing people we are the enemies, so when they can provoke us to do things…
“that have done serious investigations and interviews with many real suicide bombers.”
Keep in mind, with cell phones and the internet and the twitters, information travels way faster then it ever did. We hear about every single instance in every single country, instantly as its happening. It wasn’t like that for previous generations.
I don’t think its fair to jump straight to hollywood for the solution to this(just throw an actress with an amputation into the major big budget movie!)
Ok but that one daft punk hands video was awesome tho...
I want to eat that. Now.