But you’re damaging the narrative! Nothing bad ever happens to men! everything bad only happens to women because they’re women!
But you’re damaging the narrative! Nothing bad ever happens to men! everything bad only happens to women because they’re women!
You’d rather be killed slowly over a long period of time by being repeatedly stabbed to death and bled out?
“And unlike most food animals they are given a fighting chance.”
“Serial animal torturer killed by animal”
You’re doing an exceptional amount of logical gymnastics for this, just so that you can make your snooty “white menz!” comment...
Simon Pegg has already issued a whole response to this:
You might be a sociopath, because your immediate reaction probably should of at least been a modicum of sadness for the deceased...
To be honest, and sorry if this isn’t want you guys want to hear, but i think the amount of people that were mad about his tweets, or about him doing a woody allen movie, is so inconsequential that he just doesn’t give a fuck. I doubt your outrage registered as a blip on his radar, or had any significant effect on his…
Thats remarkably close to my list of favorites, but I also put the toyota 2000gt on there
This seems a lot more like Michael Brown and a lot less like Eric Garner. As a person who is pretty firmly anti-cop, i’m routinely disgusted by all the horrible stories of the innocent people they kill daily. This, however, was a person with a huge sheet of all sorts of prior issues, on probation, with an illegal…
I mean, we have a quote from him where he straight up admits he likes to pull his dick out and wave it at people...
That depends: is that guy Jeremy Clarkson?
She even like, pulls her hands completely off the desk a short while later, like “oh god i hope he doesn’t do it again”
Does he have to endorse someone?
I love when some ignorant dumbass makes a comment like HOW COME NO ONE COMPLAINS THAT NO WHITE PEOPLE EVER WIN BET AWARDS! because i just tell them that fucking macklemore the whitest white rapper to have ever been white and/or a rapper has won a BET award...
I should probably go to this place and test out the dough before i tell my, um...my friend about it. So i know its good before my totally real and not fake friend with their several real children go there.
You’re really just going to dig in on this, aren’t you? Someone in this very comment section was literally saying that we need to go take everyones guns and get rid of them, and if you read most of my other comments here they’re agreeing with people and discussing all sorts of regulations and gun control that i’m 100%…
gahhh i know right?? I always pull some dumbass “oh there are 6 rows, so this will last me 6 days at least!”